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Library Groups and Local Consortia

What is a Consortium?
A consortium is a group of independent institutions that organize to accomplish goals that they could not reach as indiviual organizations. Library consortium serve as a focal point for all of its members. Their activities usually concentrate on continuing education, group purchasing and resource sharing.

What is a DOCLINE Library Group?
Some consorita are also DOCLINE Library Groups. You must have at least 11 libraries to form a library group. In DOCLINE it is assumed that you will be invloved in Resource Sharing and Union listing.

DOCLINE Library Groups in the GMR
Code Library Group Name
Health Dept Health Departments
BSHSI Bon Secours Health System
CAS Chicago and South Consortium
CLIBCON Chiropractic Libraries Consortium
CAHSLA Cincinnati Area Health Sciences Library Association
NEOUCOM Council of Neoucom Associated Hospital
FRVALC Fox River Valley Area Library Consortium
FVC Fox Valley Consortium
KMLA Kentucky Medical Library Association
HSSDLA Health Sciences Section South Dakota Library Assoication
MLANO Medical Library Association of Northeast Ohio
METROIL Metropolitan Consortium
MDMLG Metropolitan Detroit Medical Library Group
MHSLA Michigan Health Sciences Library
NEIHSLC Northeast Indiana Health Sciences Library Consortium
NWIHSLC Northwest Indiana Health Sciences Library Consortium
OUTLibGMR Outreach Libraries in the Greater Midwest Region
SCWHSLC South Central Wisconsin Health Science Library Consortium
SEWHSLC Southeast Wisconsin Health Science Library Consortium
TCBC Twin Cities Biomedical Consortium

Reciprocal Agreements allow libraries to form partnerships and extend resources. The GMR encourages their Resources Libraries and Primary Access Libraries to seek such arrangements. The GMR Resource Library Reciprocal Agreement can be found here.

FreeShare External 
Link Indicator provides smaller libraries with a hugh number of possible reciprocal partners. FreeShare is a nation-wide receiprocal group you would have blanket permission to add any of these members to your routing table if youself joined the group. You must contact your DOCLINE Coordinator to join any library group.

GMR Consortia and Local Groups External Link Indicator

Link Indicator This icon designates a link outside the NN/LM GMR Web site and indicates a non-GMR hosted resource.