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The Samuel Oschin Telescope

High Resolution Images of the Samuel Oschin Telescope for news media

Digital Palomar Observatory Sky Survey Images in Google Sky

Since 1949 the 48-inch (1.2 m) Samuel Oschin Telescope has been quietly working to improve our understanding of the universe.  It nightly scans the skies, returning discoveries that astound and amaze. Currently it operates as a robotic telescope. The data collected is beamed out by microwave via the High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network to astronomers for analysis.

It is a wide-field Schmidt telescope that was designed for survey work.  The telescope has a 48-inch aperture with a glass corrector plate and a 72-inch (f/2.5) mirror. Russell Porter's 1941 drawing of the telescope.

A brief history of the Samuel Oschin Telescope

Images of the Samuel Oschin Telescope

Discoveries made at the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope

Recent scientific publications from the Samuel Oschin Telescope.

The Samuel Oschin Telescope was used to generate the Second Palomar Observatory Survey POSS II and the Digital Palomar Observatory Sky Survey DPOSS.
Plates for the POSS II survey were donated by the Eastman Kodak Corporation.
The POSS II survey was enabled by grants from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the National Geographic Society, and the National Science Foundation. Partial funding for the DPOSS survey was provided by the Norris Foundation.
Plates were scanned at the Space Telescope Science Institute, and the results catalogued at Caltech.


Samuel Oschin Telescope Surveys at Palomar Observatory - How are objects like dwarf planet Eris discovered?

QUEST Survey Press Release 

Hunting Gamma-Ray Bursts with the Samuel Oschin Telescope

Technical details on the QUEST camera

The Nearby Supernova Factory

Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking

Eleanor Helin's Career & Asteroid Searches from Women In Technology

5391 Emmons the story of how an asteroid discovered at Palomar by Eleanor Helin got its name.

High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network

The Big Picture now on display at Griffith Observatory





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