How to Fight Property Taxes
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Latest News

Your "Fight the Stimulus Hoax" Tool Kit

An Open Letter to Chief Performance Officer Nancy Killefer: Ideas for Promoting Government Transparency, Accountability

Taxpayer Watchdogs Offer List of "Ax-Ready" Programs as Alternative to Mayors' Pork Projects

An Open Letter to the House of Representatives: Taxpayers Demand the Economic Recovery and Middle-Class Tax Relief Act

An Open Letter to the United States Congress: Protect Taxpayers and Reject the Second Half of TARP!

Stop Congress's Automatic Pay Hike

Save the Date -- National Taxpayers Conference 2009
NTU Makes Grants Available to Taxpayer Activists!


108 North Alfred St. Alexandria VA 22314 | Phone: 703.683.5700 | Fax: 703.683.5722 | E-mail: ntu@ntu.org      © 2009 National Taxpayers Union & NTUF. All rights reserved.