FOR YOUR INFORMATION................................June 12, 1991 Dresser Industries, Inc., Wayne Division ("Dresser-Wayne") of Dallas, Texas, has petitioned the Federal Trade Commission, on behalf of several gasoline refiners, for a limited exemption from the Octane Posting and Certification Rule's posting and labeling requirements. The Commission has granted the exemption. The Octane Rule establishes clear procedures for determining, certifying and posting, by means of a label on the gas pump, the octane rating of automotive gasoline for sale to consumers. The Rule specifies the size of the label, the contents of the label, and the style of type to be used. Dresser-Wayne is a leading manufacturer of gasoline pumps. Over the past two years, Dresser-Wayne has developed the "Vista" product line of gasoline dispensing equipment which uses a single-hose, multi-grade dispenser, a "unified" display area showing information on all grades of gasoline available from that dispenser, and "push-to-start" operation. Dresser-Wayne petitioned the Commission to permit gasoline refiners, the potential customers for its Vista dispensers, to use three octane label designs that differ in size, typeface, and placement, from the Rule's label specifications. According to the petition, the proposed alternative octane labels, to be featured in the unified display area, will allow customers to take advantage of the features of the Vista dispensers, and still provide consumers with all Rule-required octane labeling information. The Commission has determined that the three labeling styles proposed by Dresser-Wayne provide clear, conspicuous and easily readable disclosures of all Rule-required octane information and comply with the intent of the Rule. For this reason, the Commission has granted the requested exemption. -more- (Dresser-Wayne 06/12/91) A notice concerning the exemption appeared in the Federal Register on June 11. Copies of the notice will be available soon from the FTC's Public Reference Branch, Room. 130, 6th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580; 202-326-2222; TTY 202-326-2502. # # # MEDIA CONTACT: Howard Shapiro, Office of Public Affairs, 202-326-2176 STAFF CONTACT: Neil J. Blickman, Bureau of Consumer Protection, 202-326-3038 (Dresser)