NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Content with the tag: “viking

  2. Can the Martian Arctic Support Extreme Life? features NASA’s Phoenix lander and the search for life on Mars in a new article on their Technology and Science website. Harkening back to Viking, and citing new discoveries of microbes in Greenland’s glaciers, the article focuses on the need to understand the microbiology of Earth’s extreme environments in order to best search for life on other planets.

    Source: [ABC]

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  3. NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Inspects Delivered Soil Samples

    New observations from NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander provide the most magnified view ever seen of Martian soil, showing particles clumping together even at the smallest visible scale.

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    Source: [Phoenix Mission]

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  4. Rendezvous with Mars

    NASA’s Phoenix lander is less than a week from touch down in the frozen northern wastes of Mars, where it will search for signs that, in the planet’s recent past, the region may have been habitable.

    Phoenix is the first mission to target Mars’ northern polar region. NASA’s Mars Polar Lander (MPL), launched in 1999 toward the planet’s southern pole, crashed upon landing.

    The two Vikings missions, Pathfinder, Opportunity and Spirit all landed “in the dry regions of the equatorial zone,” said Peter Smith, a research scientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson and principal investigator for the Phoenix mission....

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  5. MISSIONS - Phoenix Takes Flight

    NASA’s Phoenix lander heads for Mars’s frozen north.

    Phoenix is on its way to Mars. The latest spacecraft in NASA’s program of Mars exploration launched from Cape Canaveral on August 4 of this year, and is scheduled to land in the planet’s northern polar region on May 25, 2008. Its findings will help scientists answer a critical question about the Red Planet: was it ever habitable?

    Phoenix is in many ways similar to the two Viking landers sent to Mars by NASA in the 1970s. Like Viking, Phoenix will stay put once it lands. And like Viking,...

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  6. NASA Astrobiology Architect, Dr. Gerald Soffen, Remembered

    NASA Scientist Dr. Gerald Soffen, who led the Viking science team that performed the first experiments on the surface of the planet Mars and a key architect of the Astrobiology Institute, is fondly remembered.

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  7. Mars Lakes

    A ‘young’ Martian lake would be at least half-billion years old, but Martian deltas might not seem as remote as the present day desert.

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