National Conference on CVD
Meeting the Healthy People 2010 Objectives for Cardiovascular Health
27-29, 1999
The National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute (NHLBI) sponsored this national conference to bring together
researchers, health care professionals, and other cardiovascular experts to
assess national trends in death and disability from heart disease, stroke, and
other types of cardiovascular disease. An archived, RealVideo, Webcast version
of this conference is now available online on this site. You may view the
conference in its' entirety or chose specific sessions from your personal
computer at any time.
Monday, September 27,
1999 |
Welcome, Conference Overview
Speakers: Dr. Lawrence Friedman, Dr. Gregory Morosco,
Dr. William Harlan
Total Running Time: 6:39 |
Introductory Remarks
Speaker: Dr. David Satcher
Total Running Time: 36:23 |
Objectives and Core Concepts
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Pearson
Total Running Time: 14:16 |
U.S. Trends in CVD Morbidity
and Mortality |
Overview of CVD Trends by Sex and Age
Speaker: Dr. Edward Sondik
Total Running Time: 1:20:07 |
Trends by Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and Geography
Speakers: Dr. Michele Caspar, Dr. Richard Cooper
Total Running Time: 40:13 |
Stroke Trends in Subpopulations
Speaker: Dr. George Howard
Total Running Time: 33:46 |
Congestive Heart Failure Trends in Subpopulations
Speaker: Dr. George Mensah
Total Running Time: 35:39 |
Trends in Levels of CVD Risk
Factors in the U.S. Population and in Population Subgroups
Tobacco Use
Speaker: Mr. Glen Bennett
Total Running Time: 28:41 |
Dietary Patterns
Speaker: Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton
Total Running Time: 31:56 |
Exercise and Physical Activity
Speaker: Dr. Michael Pratt
Total Running Time: 22:31 |
Speaker: Dr. Shiriki Kumanyika
Total Running Time: 28:40 |
Speaker: Dr. Keith Ferdinand
Total Running Time: 28:04 |
Lipids and Lipid Fractions
Speaker: Dr. Christopher Sempos
Total Running Time: 21:34 |
Speaker: Dr. Michael Stern
Total Running Time: 32:21 |
Tuesday, September 28,
1999 |
U.S. Trends in Preventive
Interventions |
Trends in implementation of population-wide interventions to
promote healthy lifestyles. (Health education, media, organizations,
environmental changes, public policy).
Presenter: Dr. Stephen Fortmann
Discussant: Dr. Jeremiah Stamler
Collaborator: Dr. Kurt Greenlund
Total Running Time: 1:17:08 |
Trends in usage of clinical interventions for primary prevention
(detection and management of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking
and atrial fibrillation).
Presenter: Dr. Philip Greenland
Discussant: Dr. Lori Mosca
Total Running Time: 55:41 |
Trends in usage of clinical interventions for secondary prevention
(risk factor management, cardiac rehabilitation, cardio-protective drugs,
revascularization, acute coronary care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation,
congestive heart failure treatment, and post-stroke care).
Presenter: Dr. Gerald O'Connor
Discussant: Dr. Sidney Smith
Total Running Time: 1:03:59 |
Development of a More
Effective Research Agenda |
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Pearson
Total Running Time: 06:27 |
surveillance to inform a more effective national CVD prevention effort
Presenter: Dr. Greg Burke
Discussant: Dr. Paul McGovern
Total Running Time: 52:49 |
Research opportunities to improve population-wide programs to
promote healthy lifestyles
Presenter: Dr. Russell Luepker
Discussant: Mr. Wayne Giles
Total Running Time: 49:36 |
Research opportunities to improve primary preventive interventions
in individuals and families
Presenter: Dr. Patrick McBride
Discussant: Dr. Carolyn Clancy
Total Running Time: |
Research opportunities to improve secondary preventive
Presenter: Dr. Salim Yusuf
Discussant: Dr. R. Wayne Alexander
Total Running Time: |
Synthesis of Discussion
Speaker: Dr. Lori Mosca
Discussant: Dr. R. Wayne |
Wednesday, September 29,
1999 |
Developing a More Effective CVD Prevention Agenda
for the U.S. to Meet Year 2010 Goals |
What public health
programs and policies could be initiated to promote healthy lifestyles in the
U.S. population as a whole and in higher-risk subgroups?
Synthesizer: Dr. Gary Hogelin
Panelists: Dr. Edward Roccella, Ms. Bonnie Liebman, Mr. Christopher
Maylahn, Dr. William Dietz, Dr. Herman Taylor
Total Running Time: 1:22:02 |
What primary care
programs and policies are needed to reduce CVD disease burden in the U.S.
population as a whole and in higher-risk subgroups?
Synthesizer: Dr. Scott Grundy
Panelists: Dr. Elmer Huerta, Mr. Dan Wolfson, Ms. Catherine Gordon, Dr.
Guy Johnson, Dr. Ronald Lauer
Total Running Time: 1:12:44 |
What programs and
policies in secondary prevention are needed to improve the prognosis for CVD in
the U.S. population as a whole and in higher-risk subgroups?
Synthesizer: Dr. Lynn Smaha
Panelists: Dr. Elizabeth Ofili, Dr. Noel Bairey-Merz, Dr. Sidney
Levitsky, Dr. Steve Clauser, Dr. Edgar Kenton, Dr. Valentin Fuster
Total Running Time: 1:23:13 |
Total Running Time: 12:22 |