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Outreach Program Summary May 1, 2009 - April 30, 2010

Outreach Summary

National Network of Libraries of Medicine Greater Midwest Region (NN/LM GMR) Outreach Programs include Outreach to Health Professionals, Consumer Health Information Services, Training for Electronic Access to Health Information, Exhibits, and Technology Awareness & Improvement. Each program answers a specific need and responds to the mission and goals set by NLM for the NN/LM. In order to accomplish its outreach goals, the GMR offers outreach subcontracts and awards to network members. GMR coordinators serve as liaisons to subcontractors in their assigned program areas and provide assistance in implementing projects.

GMR Outreach Programs emphasize reaching the targeted populations identified by NLM. These include health professionals, especially public health workers; rural, inner city, and unaffiliated health care providers; community-based organizations; public librarians; and health professionals and librarians that work with vulnerable populations such as HIV/AIDS patients, minorities, seniors, and people with low incomes. Priorities for the GMR will include: continuing the outreach projects begun with Native American tribes in the region; developing outreach projects that assist public health workers; and working with community-based organizations that have a health information and/or health literacy component. The GMR will continue to monitor progress in the development of the Refugee Health Information Network (RHIN) Web site, contacting potential contributors of multi-lingual resources to let them know about RHIN.

The GMR works with the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center (OERC) of the NN/LM to identify methods and measures for evaluating the region’s programs and services. The GMR Outreach and Evaluation Coordinator serves as the GMR liaison to the OERC. The GMR has presented the OERC evaluation workshop “Measuring Your Impact” in five locations during the current contract and we plan to offer it in conjunction with the 2009 Midwest Chapter meeting in October in Columbus, Ohio and the Michigan Health Sciences Library Association meeting in September.

Seventeen GMR Resource Libraries are designated as Outreach Libraries for their respective states. These libraries assist the GMR with teaching classes on NLM resources, providing reference services and document delivery to unaffiliated health professionals, partnering with affiliate network members to conduct outreach projects, and exhibiting and/or presenting at community events or meetings of health professionals in their states to promote NLM resources and services. A list of the Outreach Libraries is found at:

Funding opportunities are offered to libraries that wish to conduct outreach on behalf of GMR. Descriptions of GMR awards and subcontracts can be found at: A Toolkit for GMR-funded outreach is found at: We propose to teach grant writing classes in a minimum of two locations in the region.

Outreach to Health Professionals

The goal of the Outreach to Health Professionals program is to provide all health professionals with easy access to quality biomedical information resources. The program focuses on unaffiliated health professionals who lack access to health information and health professionals who serve targeted populations identified by NLM such as minority populations, seniors, AIDS/HIV patients, inner city communities, and rural areas. The GMR will provide Loansome Doc, reference, collection access, training and mediated searching referrals to health professionals in the region. The GMR has established agreements with 31 resource libraries to provide these services to unaffiliated health professionals, including health professionals who work for community-based organizations. The Regional Medical Library will serve, on a cost recovery basis, any areas where there are no agreements.

Demonstrating PubMed,, MedlinePlus,, and other information access tools at exhibits and holding training sessions for health professionals are key elements of this program. The GMR will exhibit at a minimum of five national meetings of health care providers, as well as at regional and local meetings. GMR staff will distribute information about NLM products, systems and services, and hold training classes and demonstrations on NLM products and services.

For Year 4 of the contract, the GMR will continue to pursue strategies to improve outreach to minority health professionals and/or health professionals serving targeted populations. These include (1) encouraging Outreach Libraries to contact Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) serving urban, rural and specific populations to increase their knowledge of available health information resources on the Web; (2) to work with the Rural Assistance Center in North Dakota to target outreach to rural health professionals to promote awareness of quality health information; and (3) continue to work with Tribal College Libraries and other local Native American community-based organizations to promote awareness of NLM services.

Public health workers and public health agencies also have been identified as target populations for outreach initiatives. Emphasis will be placed on the four states that have not been targeted through one of the Public Health Information Model subcontracts funded in the previous five-year contract. These states include Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The GMR will work with all state health agencies and encourage network members to partner with state and local agencies to provide training to improve public health workers’ skills in using NLM resources. The GMR also will encourage public health agencies to link to NLM resources from their Web sites. The GMR plans to exhibit at a minimum of two state/regional public health meeting during Year 4.

Also in Year 4 of the contract, the GMR plans to fund a minimum of two Public Health subcontracts aimed at encouraging network members to partner with community organizations to provide access to critical health information needed by public health workers or to address important public health issues identified in Healthy People 2010: Link Indicator. Priority will be given to libraries in the four states mentioned above.

Consumer Health Information Services

The goal of the consumer health information services program is to assist consumers with accessing quality biomedical information so they can make informed decisions regarding their health and the health of their family members. The program aims to reach members of the public who are not aware of how to access electronic health information or who lack direct access to electronic health information.

The program works with a variety of organizations and networks to identify consumer health information needs and develop strategies to meet those needs. Initiatives include exhibiting at state library association meetings to raise awareness among public, school, and community college librarians; exhibiting and presenting at meetings of community-based organizations (CBOs); participating in programs at health sciences library association meetings; promoting MedlinePlus and other consumer health resources to health care providers so that they can assist their clients in finding health information; and encouraging public libraries and other community-based organizations to link to MedlinePlus and other NLM resources on their Web sites.

The GMR will continue to contact local, regional, and state public librarian training coordinators to offer train-the-trainer sessions and to teach the four consumer health workshops developed by the NN/LM consumer health coordinators. Public libraries will be encouraged to use the “Public Libraries and Community Partners” Web site to learn more about how to establish relationships with community health information partners to promote ongoing training and improved access to NLM resources.

As part of its consumer health outreach, the GMR will recruit public libraries, school libraries, community college libraries, tribal college libraries and health-related community-based organizations (CBOs) to join the network as affiliate members. This will allow them to take advantage of partnerships with full members to provide health information to their users.

During year 4 of the contract, the GMR will exhibit at three state library association meetings and at a minimum of three meetings of health-related community-based organizations, promoting NLM products and services and providing classes to participants. The goal is to teach workshops at as many of these library and CBO meetings as possible.

The GMR plans to fund a minimum of two Consumer Health Subcontracts during Year 4 for organizations that plan to provide outreach services to health care consumers and health professionals needing access to consumer health information. The GMR also will provide consultation and support to state groups working on developing MedlinePlus Go Local projects, and will fund up to four Go Local subcontracts as they are approved by NLM. Target states include Kentucky, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

GMR staff will attend local events sponsored by libraries that host the NLM Traveling exhibits.

Training for Electronic Access to Health Information

The goal of this program is to support training in the effective use of electronic health information resources on the Internet. Training for health professionals will emphasize NLM databases such as PubMed, ToxNet and other environmental resources,, and when the audience includes public health workers, CDC and PH Partners resources will be included. Training for medical librarians will focus more on advanced aspects of the NLM databases and special topics such as Health Resources on the Internet, Expert Searching, Patient Safety and technology awareness. Network members are urged to consult the events calendar on the GMR Web site to identify upcoming courses scheduled in the region: Link Indicator.

Training for public, school, and community college librarians, and CBO-based health information promoters and educators will focus on the basics of key NLM databases. Existing courses include the Series of Consumer Health Workshops and as well as courses on MedlinePlus,, and ToxTown. Courses aimed at consumers can be customized to meet the needs of the local group.

Train-the-trainer sessions will be available to librarians and health educators who are charged with training others about NLM resources, including those who train the public. Whenever possible, training will be scheduled with professional meetings to assure efficient use of GMR staff time and resources.

The following “Classes Offered Through the GMR Office,” described on the GMR Website at: are proposed for Year 4:

One or more of the following consumer health courses will be taught at a minimum of eight (8) sites around the region. These will likely include the North Suburban Library System in Wheeling, IL, the North Dakota Library Association in Dickinson, ND, the South Dakota Library Association in Aberdeen, SD, and the Minnesota Library Association in St. Cloud, MN.

Consumer Health
Beyond an Apple a Day: Providing Consumer Health Information at Your Library
Finding Native Health Information Online
From Snake Oil to Penicillin: Evaluating Consumer Health Information on the Internet
Prescription for Success: Consumer Health Information on the Web
Will Duct Tape Cure My Warts? Examining Complementary and Alternative Medicine

One of the following PubMed related courses will be taught at a minimum of ten (10) sites around the region. PubMed for Experts is scheduled for the Midwest Chapter meeting in Columbus, OH. Six offerings of PubMed are scheduled for the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago.

Keeping Up With NLM's PubMed
Making PubMed Work For You
PubMed for Experts
Getting Started with LinkOut

A Super Searcher class and an Emergency Preparedness class are scheduled for the Midwest Chapter meeting in Columbus, OH. We also plan to teach Patient Safety Resources at a minimum of two sites in the region during Year 4.


Exhibits play an important part in publicizing NLM products and services to health professionals, public, school, and community college librarians, and the staff of community-based organizations that include a health literacy component. The GMR Exhibits Program includes staffing exhibits during national and state meetings, and providing awards to network members to assist them in exhibiting at conferences.

During Year 4 of the contract, the GMR will exhibit at five national meetings, including:
• the American Library Association in Chicago beginning 7/9/2009
• the National Wellness Conference in Stevens Point, WI beginning 7/18/2009
• the American College of Surgeons in Chicago beginning 10/11/2009
• the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago beginning 11/29/2009 and
• the National School Board Association in Chicago beginning 4/1/2010.

In addition the GMR will exhibit at a minimum of two state or regional public health meeting, three state library association meetings, and two state health sciences librarians’ meetings. The GMR plans to fund a minimum of five Exhibit Awards to network members to exhibit at state or regional meetings.

Technology Awareness and Improvement

The GMR provides numerous programs to meet the information technology needs of health professionals, librarians, and consumers. Technology Awareness aims to ensure that GMR members and health care professionals are knowledgeable about how to use information technology to access electronic information. Technology Improvement aims to provide libraries with hardware and software and other resources to expand electronic services for their patrons. The GMR will fund a minimum of five Technology Improvement Awards to assist network members with technology upgrades and enhancements and/or to introduce new technologies into their institutions.

The GMR Web site will feature information on new technologies and GMR staff will publish articles about technology in the GMR blog, The Cornflower. Announcements about new technological developments will be distributed on GMRLIST.

Network members often face significant barriers, including hospital firewalls that prohibit access, lack of compatibility among information systems, lack of skilled technological assistance, and lack of administrative support. The GMR Technology Coordinator will continue to provide phone consultation to network members and to develop and teach workshops on new technologies as needed. The GMR currently offers classes on podcasting, screencasting, and new technology trends.

One of the following technology courses will be taught at a minimum of eight (8) sites around the region during Year 4. The Podcasting course is scheduled for Chicago, IL, Columbus, OH, and at least once as an online class. Geeks Bearing Gifts is scheduled for Holland, MI and Screencasting is scheduled for LaCrosse, WI, Chicago, IL, and Dickinson, ND.

Can You Hear Me Now: How to Make a Podcast
Geeks Bearing Gifts: Unwrapping New Technology Trends
Screencasting: Creating Online Tutorials

Updated April 30, 2009

Link Indicator This icon designates a link outside the NN/LM GMR Web site and indicates a non-GMR hosted resource.