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Image of Strategy for the Environment document.GETTING STARTED



What is installation sustainability? See the “big picture” of strategy, mission and goals of army sustainability. >>



Image of functional areas.Functional Areas

The nuts and bolts of installation sustainability whose sum is greater than the parts. >>

Images of sustainability functional areas.
What's new



Success Stories

Image of Hawaiian flora.Journey to Sustainability – U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii. >>



Image of army personel talking with civilian.See what installations are doing to implement sustainability programs. >>


Learn More

Image of  book.Browse the Reading Resources to expand your understanding. >>



Image of water drops on branch.Environment Management Systems (EMS)

What is EMS? See how this program can help you. >>

Image of soldier training in camouflage.Army Compatible Use Buffers (ACUBs)

Learn how ACUBs can set the course for success. >>

Image of tank on range.Sustainable Range Program   (SRP)

Incorporate SRP strategies to ensure long-term availability. >>