USGS Projects in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Image
A USAID-USGS PASA agreement was signed on September 3, 2004. This PASA initiates the first 6 months of a proposed USGS 5-year program in natural resources/hazards assessment for Afghanistan and is part of the Afghanistan Reconstruction Program. The initial activities will include coal, mineral and water resources assessments and earthquake hazard assessment as well as geospatial infrastructure development and institutional/capacity building. In addition to USAID support for the program, the U.S.Trade and Development Agency is funding USGS to conduct an oil and gas resources assessment of the country.

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For more than 75 years in more than 100 countries, USGS has successfully completed capacity- or institution-building projects. These include collaborative efforts in Afghanistan in the '50s, '60s and early '70s.


The proposed USGS projects will focus on assessments of oil and gas, coal, minerals,water resources, and earthquake hazards as well as geospatial infrastructure development and institution/capacity building.

Photo Gallery

View photographs and images from USGS Afghanistan projects. The galleries are used to archive photographs and images from field activities, training events, and other actives. Within the galleries you can quickly browse and download original photograph or image as well as search for specific images by keywords.

Map Viewers

These interactive viewers provide an efficient method for discovering geospatial information that the USGS is distributing for Afghanistan. The Afghanistan Spatial Data Viewer allows interactive creation of maps of Afghanistan with a variety of landscape and infrastructure features at any scale. The Geological Map Product Viewer is an interactive map gallery that allows you to geographically browse USGS cartographic products of Afghanistan.


Additional perspectives on Afghanistan and the science behind USGS activities are also available through a variety of downloadable documents.


Download Landsat and ASTER imagery, SRTM DEMs, Soviet topographic sheets and various vector data sets for the country of Afghanistan. USGS has developed a comprehensive Landsat data set for Afghanistan that includes original and atmospherically corrected scenes as well as 3 band natural and false color composites.

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