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I also have a child with autism who is required by law to attend public school. Thankfully, my son has not YET been subjected to this type of "behavior intervention" but I can tell you that if he ever is, I will probably end up in jail for doing the same to the educators! A friend of mine has a son that is included in this report and I was appalled to find out what was happening to her son in our public school system! To the educators that think our children are just being unrully and "want" to behave this way, I say you need to get educated about our children's disabilities and try living our life for a week!
My heart goes out to all the parents that have had to deal with their children being treated this way in the public school systems! I pray that our government will do the right thing and ban this type of so called "behavioral interventions"!!

I am a former teacher that blew the whislte. I know for a fact that administrators and educators lock children up. They do this to adults too. Check out the Rubber Rooms.

I am so glad that the Obama administration is looking into this. As a licensed special educator in a VA. public school system, I am appalled with what others are permitted to do to students under the name of behavior mod. I have filed several anonymous reports through the state Dept of Social Services child abuse hotline. Only one came through as 'founded' and the 'teacher' (an old woman with limited sped training, what we call 'the warm bodies' who are hired because of the extreme shortage of licensed best=practice speds in the US) was fired. I think each state's DSS should be investigated by their Office of Protection and Advocacy since the state DSS 'hotline' staff told me to call the local DSS to report the abuse. I know that the local DSS is overwhelmed. Plus they call the local Director of Sped to work out a 'solution' that doesn't seem to filter down to the building level 'abusers'. These 'abusers' are ignorant staff. When the state required 'child abuse training' certificate, a few of them figured out a way to circumvent the pages of info and go directly to print off the certificate. They then passed on the info to other staff to do the same. So go after the DSS and the Dept of Ed to make sure that speds and gen ed take training that staff are capable of abuse.

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