The Universe

To begin learning about the universe, you just need to look up at the night sky. That's how astronomy began. Sure, at NASA we have school-bus-sized instruments hundreds of miles above the Earth. But they are simply better tools to do what you can see with just your eyes.

How much you can see depends on where you are. In the city or suburbs at night, the street lights around you flood the night sky with light which overwhelm most stars. But you can still see the moon, a few bright stars, and some nearby planets.

If you get away from the city lights, you'll be stunned by the millions of bright pin points of light you will see. You can use constellations to find your way around the sky – here's a way to make yourself a constellation finder. Using binoculars or a telescope, you can see that some of these bright lights are not just stars: others are planets, and still others are entirely separate galaxies.

A great way to get started learning about the universe is to join an astronomy club. You can find a list at the Night Sky Network. Astronomy clubs have star parties where experienced observers will give you a chance to look through their telescopes.

Want to know the best part about astronomy? You have a great excuse to stay up past bedtime! During the daytime, you can visit the games and activities listed below to explore the cosmic circus.

Games and Activities for the Universe
universe paper model icon
Paper models of your favorite spacecraft
Have fun assembling these paper models of spacecraft designed to explore the universe.

Fine paper models of your favorite spacecraft
Star child icon
Star Child
A learning center for young astronomers.

Explore Star Child
Starlight icon
Star Light, Star Bright
Learn more about light, waves, and stars.

Star Light, Star Bright
Space Place icon
Space Place
Explore fun facts about Earth, space and technology. Build a Moon habitat, momentum machine or balloon-powered nanorover.

Explore Space Place
Irrelevant Astronomy Icon
IRrelevant Astronomy
An award-winning animated video series that looks at some of the latest astronomy news and science from Spitzer's Space Telescope.

Explore IRrelevant Astronomy
EPOS Chronicles Icon
EPOS Chronicles
A comic series where EPO & friends travel through space trying to figure out our origins and learn about the universe in which we live.

Explore EPOS Chronicles
Cool Cosmos icon
Cool Cosmos: The Infrared Universe
See the world and the universe in a different light. Visit the Infrared Zoo, view the multi-wavelength astronomy gallery, and ask an astronomer a question.

Explore Cool Cosmos
Amazing space icon
Amazing Space
Usinging the discoveries of the Hubble Space Telescope, learn more about the wonders of our universe. Including; telescopes, comets, galaxies, tonight's sky, solar system trading cards and more.

Explore Amazing Space
imagine universe icon
Imagine the Universe
Learn about the universe, satellites and their data. Visit the Ask an Astrophysicist question gallery.

Explore Imagine the Universe
Space Mysteries Icon
Space Mysteries
Delve into several interactive web explorations where you can analyze actual data from NASA missions in order to solve a mystery. There are now four mysteries to solve: Solar Supernova, Alien Bandstand Live!, From 2-Alpha, and Star Market.

Explore Space Mysteries
planet quest icon
Planets Discovered Outside Our Solar System
Learn more about the 300+ planets which have been discovered outside our solar system. Take the 3D tour using the New Worlds Atlas.

Take a Tour Outside Our Solar System
M51 and Gizmo Icon
M51 & Gizmo
An animated video series which explores our universe.

Watch M51 & Gizmo
High Energy Groovie Movie Icon
High Energy Groovie Movie
A music video showing the exciting X-Ray universe of black holes, pulsars and active galaxies

Watch the High Energy Groovie Movie
Photojournal Icon
Photo journal of the Universe
View over 350 images of the Universe taken on various NASA missions, including: the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer, the Chandra X-ray Telescope and more.

Explore the Photo journal of the Universe
No Escape icon
No Escape: The Truth about Black Holes
Learn more about black holes.

Explore the Truth about Black Holes
Sky Spy icon
Sky Spy Safari
Take a stroll through the cosmos using a planisphere and gaze at images taken by NASA's great observatories.

Explore Sky Spy Safari
Astronomy Picture Of the Day Icon
Astronomy Picture of the Day
See a different image or photograph of our universe each day along with an explanation.

Explore Astronomy Picture of the Day