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Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse
February, 1995


Outreach/Risk Reduction Strategies for Changing HIV Related Risk Behaviors Among Injection Drug Users (1994) € NCADI #BKD145
Describes the effectiveness of HIV intervention and prevention services in changing the HIV-related risk behaviors among out-of-treatment injection drug users and their sexual partners.

Women and Drug Abuse (1994) € Brochure € NCADI #PHD669
Addresses issues that are of particular importance to drug abusing women: HIV/AIDS and maternal exposure to drugs. Encourages women and their families and friends to seek treatment for drug addiction and provides information on where to go for help.

Women and Drug Abuse: You and Your Community Can Help. (1994) € NCADI #PHD668
Provides guidance for policymakers and community leaders who wish to establish programs to help women and families affected by drug abuse. Addresses issues such as the effects of drug abuse on children and families and the economic, social, and personal costs to women who use drugs.

National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring The Future Study, 1975-1993; Volume I, Secondary School Students (1994) € NCADI #BKD149
Discusses the prevalence of drug use among American secondary students (specifically eighth, tenth and twelfth graders) and trends in use by those students (seniors, since the study began in 1975 and eighth and tenth graders, since 1991). Examines important demographic distinctions among subgroups in these populations. Includes data on grade at first use, intensity of drug use, attitudes and beliefs among students concerning various types of drug use, and the students' perceptions of certain relevant aspects of the social environment.

National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1993, Volume II: College Students and Young Adults (1994) € NCADI # BKD150
Discusses the prevalence of drug use among American young adults and college students. Examines important demographic distinctions among subgroups in these populations. Includes data on the intensity of drug use, attitudes and beliefs among young adults and college students concerning various types of drug use, and their perception of certain relevant aspects of the social environment.

Drug Procurement Practices of the Out-of-Treatment Chronic Drug Abuser (1994) € NCADI #BKD154
Examines the patterns of drug use, methods of obtaining drugs and income sources and expenditures for drugs by noninstitutionalized out-of-treatment populations.

Research Monographs

NIDA Research Monograph 142: Advances in Data Analysis for Prevention Intervention Research (1994) € NCADI #M142
Discusses state-of-the-art statistical techniques and methodological issues relevant to prevention intervention research. Provides general, introductory as well as technically detailed descriptions for a variety of methodological procedures applicable to prevention intervention as well as other forms of research.

Research Monograph 143: The Context of HIV Risk Among Drug Users and Their Sexual Partners (1994) € NCADI #M143
Reviews current research on drug-using and sexual behaviors of drug users associated with HIV transmission, focussing on the effect of the social and environmental context on risk behaviors and risk avoidance. Develops directions for future research.

Research Monograph 144: Therapeutic Community: Advances in Research and Application (1994) € NCADI #144
Discusses and examines research on the therapeutic community (TC) approach to substance abuse treatment. TC emphasizes a social treatment perspective that focuses on resocializing the client and the use of the community as an agent of personal change.

Research Monograph 145: Neurobiological Models for Evaluating Mechanisms Underlying Cocaine Addiction (1994) € NCADI #M145
Presents models used in animal and human studies for evaluating the neurobiological basis of cocaine addiction. Among the models discussed are self-administration, brain-stimulation reward, discriminative stimulus effects, and conditioned effects. Evidence for the role of dopamine and serotonin in mediating different components of addiction is also critically evaluated.

Research Monograph 146: Hallucinogens: An Update (1994) € NCADI #M146
Presents a complete survey of state-of-the-art hallucinogen research including both animal and human studies. Discusses the regulatory issues involved in human investigations. Highlights challenges and opportunities and identifies future research needs.


Volume 9, No. 3 , September/October NCADI No. NN0004
Discusses the most recent research on Nicotine and Nicotine Addiction. Articles included are: "NIDA Nicotine Research Helps Smokers Kick the Habit", "How Nicotine Replacement Treatment Works", and "NIDA, FDA and Nicotine Research."

Volume 9, No. 4 November/December NCADI No. NN0005
Articles include discussions on the long-term benefits of methadone treatment; NIDA's Perinatal-20 projects--treating drug abusing pregnant and parenting women, school-based drug abuse prevention programs, and drug abuse among the homeless in Washington, D.C.

New Videos

Drug Abuse Treatment in Prisons: A New Way Out (1994) € NCADI #VHS72
Goes behind the gates of two prison-based drug abuse treatment programs, one for men and one for women, to demonstrate an effective option for intervening with drug addicts who are involved in the criminal justice system. One utilizes a therapeutic community model and the other is based on pro-social skills building and rational-behavioral therapy. The impact on inmates, staff, and administrators is explored, and stress is placed on the importance of continuity of care between prison and the community.

Other Publications

Fletcher, B.W., J.A. Inciardi, and A.M. Horton, Eds. (1994) Drug Abuse Treatment. Volume II: The Implementation of Innovative Approaches, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Delany, P., Fletcher, B. and Lennox, R. (1994) "Analyzing Shelter Organizations and the Services They Offer: Testing a Structural Model Using a Sample of Shelter Programs," Evaluation and Program Planning, 17:4, 391-398.

Brown, B.S. and Needle, R.H. Modifying the Process of Treatment to Meet the Threat of AIDS. The International Journal of the Addictions; 29(13), 1739-1752, 1994.

The Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area Drug Study (DC*MADS): Homeless and Transient Population Study, 1991 User Guide for Microcomputers; (and datafile on diskette). NTIS Order Number: PB95-500351GEI; NIDA Program Official: Elizabeth Lambert, M.Sc.

Haverkos, H.W., Kopstein, A.N., Wilson, H. and Drotman, P. Nitrite Inhalants: History, Epidemiology and Possible Links to AIDS, Environmental Health Perspectives, Journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Volume 102, Number 10, October 1994.

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