News of the Day: Federal Ban Sought On Student Restraint

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The Wall Street Journal ran an article this morning to draw attention to the abusive use of seclusion and restraint within schools. These abuses were brought to national attention during a hearing by the Education and Labor Committee.

In Washington, the effort to limit the use of such techniques is being championed by Rep. George Miller, chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor. In January, the California Democrat called for the GAO review, and last month his committee held hearings. What was discovered, he said in an interview, is a system "in which children are unnecessarily dying and being harmed."

In testimony before Congress in May, Education Secretary Arne Duncan called such findings "disturbing" and said he is instructing chief school officers in all 50 states to detail their plans for keeping students safe.


The scope of any possible federal law is still uncertain. Mr. Miller and others involved in the discussions say they would like it to be crafted so that states are primarily responsible for developing and enforcing policies.

We encourage you to watch the video testimony and to read the entire Wall Street Journal article.


Good idea! It is all too common for institutions to use restraints when there was other options. Please help adults too.

When I found out about the boy in Georgia, who committed suicide in a 'seclusion' room I was both deeply saddened and outraged. I hope Congress does something before more children are lost.

A shocking CHILDREN'S CIVIL RIGHTS INEQUALITY exists in SCHOOLS in 21 states today, where it is legal for school employees to hit children with wooden paddles to deliberately inflict physical, psychological (fear) and emotional (humiliation) pain and suffering intended to punish them! Conversely, in 29 States it is ILLEGAL to hit a child with a wooden paddle in school. U.S. Federal Government must take immediate action to ensure the safety of ALL CHILDREN IN ALL SCHOOLS by ABOLISHING Physical (Corporal) Punishment in ALL SCHOOLS IN AMERICA!

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