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Hurricane Recovery
Disaster Preparedness

What you can do to prepare for this year's emergencies:

Organize your finances
When it comes to preparing for situations like weather emergencies, financial readiness is as important as a flashlight with fully charged batteries. Having your financial documents up-to-date, in one place, and portable can make a big difference at a tense time. More...

Check your insurance
Find out if any home, health, or other insurance policy you may have will pay for temporary shelter, replacement clothing, furniture, or other items if you are affected by a hurricane or other weather event.

Floodproof your home
If you've been a victim of a hurricane in the past, or you live where storms are likely, your home may be flooded. Prepare for the next flood by buying flood insurance and writing a flood response plan — visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency's floodsmart.gov for more information. And find out whether you can do anything to floodproof your home now.

Bookmark this site
If a disaster does affect you this year, return to this site for tips on recovery and other information about your rights.

Visit the following sites for detailed tips and information to help you prepare for disasters:

Remember that although you may have lost your belongings, you haven't lost your good judgment.
  • Before you give out your personal information, make sure it is absolutely necessary and ask for identification. For information about Identity Theft, click here.

  • Ask to see the ID of anyone who wants to come in; check out any company with whom you think you want to do business. Check trucks and cars for local addresses and phone numbers.

  • Get more than one estimate for repairs or service.

  • Don't believe great promises. No one is getting something for nothing.

  • Shop around. Some business advertise "disaster" sales offering appliances and major electronics at reduced prices. While these could be bargains, they also could be gimmicks.

  • Don’t pay the full price for service work until the service is completed and you’re satisfied with the work.

  • Communication is more important than ever. Call your creditors and ask for help. Ask about programs in place to defer your loan payments, waive late fees, or raise your credit limit temporarily while you get back on your feet.

  • Get a copy of your credit report. If you've lost your financial records and need help identifying your creditors — or want to check on possible tampering with your accounts — get your credit report. It's free from annualcreditreport.com, or 1-877-322-8228.

  • Many people will be asking you for your personal information. Ask them for appropriate identification before you give it out. Government officials will not ask you for money in exchange for your information or the promise of a check.

  • Be on the alert for scams. Advance-fee credit arrangements, where you are required to pay a fee for a credit card or some other line of credit before you receive it, are illegal.

Once the immediate hazards of a natural disaster are over, it’s inevitable that other problems surface. Among these are scams, frauds, and other consumer protection issues.

This website has important information about scams you may encounter, your rights, and links to other organizations that have important information about relief for disaster victims.

Money and Credit

You may have lost your credit cards and financial records, and now, need money for the basics, as well as rebuilding, repairing, or paying some bills. Here is important information about managing your money and your credit - and making sure you benefit from the use of your credit and charge cards:

Managing Money

Managing Credit