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Free ITP Thursday Webcasts on Industrial Energy Efficiency

February 09, 2009

Photo of two men in blue coveralls and white hard hats working together at a petroleum refinery. The men are facing each other and one man has his back to the camera. CREDIT:  Lagereek at

Please join the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Industrial Technologies Program on Thursdays from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EST for free webcasts! The webcasts cover a variety of topics to help you improve your company's energy efficiency, including energy management tips, analysis tools, and cutting-edge technologies that can lead to cost and energy savings.

Register for the following sessions:

February 12, 2009 — Energy Assessments: What Are the Benefits to Large Facilities?: Learn about the process for 3-day Save Energy Now energy assessments performed by DOE Energy Experts at large industrial plants.

February 19, 2009 — Energy Assessments: What are the Benefits to Small- and Medium-Sized Facilities?: Get information on the process for energy assessments conducted at small- and medium-sized plants by DOE’s university-based Industrial Assessment Centers.

February 26, 2009 — Quick PEP Tool Demonstration and Results: See a demonstration of the Quick Plant Energy Profiler (Quick PEP) online software tool that can be used as a first step in identifying potential energy and cost savings opportunities.

Your company or organization can also post a widget promoting these webcasts on their own Web site. Visit the ITP Web site to learn more.