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Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative Wins DOE Wind Cooperative of the Year Award

February 17, 2009

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program and National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) recognized Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative as the 2008 Wind Cooperative of the Year at the NRECA TechAdvantage Conference in New Orleans, LA on February 14, 2009.

The award honors the Michigan cooperative for its vision and leadership in developing the state's first $94 million Harvest Wind Farm in Huron County.

Wolverine was selected for the award by a panel of wind industry, government, national laboratory, and electric cooperative experts. This eighth annual award was created in conjunction with the NRECA to recognize electric cooperative wind power pioneers and leaders. Past winners include: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Associated Electric Cooperative, Illinois Rural Electric Cooperative, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Holy Cross Energy, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, and Great River Energy.

John Deere Wind Energy, Wolverine's partner in developing Harvest Wind Farm, nominated the co-op. Wolverine selected the John Deere project in response to the cooperative's 2006 request for proposals for wind power.

The wind farm, which began commercial operation in 2008, generates 52.8 megawatts, or enough electricity to power 15,000 homes. Wolverine is purchasing the entire output of the wind farm through a 20-year power purchase agreement with John Deere. The generation is being sold as part of the system mix to the cooperative's six members in Michigan's Lower Peninsula.

NRECA represents the nation's more than 900 private, not-for-profit, consumer-owned electric cooperatives, which provide electric service to more than 37 million people in 47 states and is dedicated to solving the business challenges of electric cooperatives through the use of technology applications. NRECA cosponsors the Wind Cooperative of the Year Awards program with DOE's Wind Powering America program.

DOE's Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program helps meet America's increasing energy needs while protecting our nation's energy security and environment. DOE is working with wind industry partners to develop clean, domestic, innovative wind energy technologies that can compete with conventional fuel sources. DOE's Wind Energy Program efforts have culminated in some of industry's leading products today and have contributed to record-breaking industry growth. For more information, visit the Wind and Hydropower Program Web site.