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DOE Releases Groundbreaking Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology Database

January 05, 2009

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program has developed and released a database that provides up-to-date information on marine and hydrokinetic renewable energy in the United States and around the world.

The database represents a groundbreaking effort in terms of breadth and depth of information on companies, technologies, and projects within the marine and hydrokinetic industry. The database includes wave, current, and ocean thermal energy conversion technologies. The fully searchable database allows the user to search among both technology types and specific projects, based on a number of criteria including geographical location, resource type, and technology stage or project status. Users can easily access details on a device or project's size, dimensions, and mooring methods, as well as project details, including information on permitting, power purchase agreements, partnerships, or even an interactive GPS mapping feature that allows the user to pinpoint certain project locations worldwide.

The database Web site also includes a marine and hydrokinetic technology glossary that features standard definitions co-developed by DOE and the Mineral Management Services (U.S. Department of the Interior) for technologies within the three central applications of wave, current, and ocean thermal.

At a glance, the database indicates that the marine and hydrokinetic industry is present in approximately 28 countries, with the majority of companies worldwide based in the United Kingdom and the United States. In the United States alone, there are approximately 47 companies, universities, and/or municipalities developing various technologies or projects. Of these, 30 are developing wave and current technologies, with an almost even split between the two resource applications. The database also indicates that 29 U.S. companies, universities, and/or municipalities have projects planned or underway within the United States or abroad. Within the United States, 192 projects have applied for initial permitting, and 11 have had devices undergo partial or full deployment.

Visit the Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology Database Web site.