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Earthquake Hazards Program

Focal Mechanism Icon Moment Tensor and Broadband Source Parameter Search

This database contains the following solutions: NEIC first-motion, NEIC moment tensor, NEIC radiated energy, Harvard centroid moment tensor, scalar moment from the University of California at Berkeley for regional earthquakes, and teleseismic moment from the Laboratoire de Geophysique, Papeete (PPT).

Data Source: Default: All
Output Format:
Default: FM
Optional Parameters
Mw Magnitude: from to
Depth (km): from to
Latitude (degrees, between -90 and 90):
from to  
Longitude (degrees, between -180 and 180):
from to  
Input SOUTH latitudes and WEST longitudes as NEGATIVE numbers.
Starting Date:
Year Month Day
Ending Date:
Year Month Day

Data updated through October 2008.

Current Fast Moment Tensor Solutions

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