What happens when I click on an earthquake?

When you click with your mouse on an earthquake displayed on one of the zoomed-in maps, you will be sent to a page of text information describing the parameters of that earthquake.

You can position your pointer anywhere on the visible surface of an earthquake box -- which means that the text information for an earthquake completely hidden behind another earthquake's box is not accessible by clicking.

Sometimes a large earthquake will have many small aftershocks located in the region about the mainshock, making it difficult to select individual earthquakes in the cluster because of overprinting of boxes. In this case, you can often find an earthquake of interest by looking in the list under the map and by comparing times, magnitudes, and locations. The most recent earthquakes appear at the top of the list.

If you click on one of the blue triangles at the corners or edges of a 2-degree zoomed-in map, you will be sent to the adjacent map pointed to by the triangle.
