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Adaptive Technology Resource Centre Faculty of Information logoFaculty of Information University of Toronto


What's New?

ATRC business card with braille impressions

The ATRC launches a new online course "Understanding Web Accessibility". Courtesy of the Government of Ontario's Enabling Change Fund, the Course fees are currently waived for Ontario residents.

The ATRC has been awarded two new grants! The ÆGIS Project: Integrating Accessibility into Emerging Information and Communication Technology was one of four University of Toronto projects that received funding from the Ontario Research Fund Research Excellence Program. Additionally, the department was awarded a Canada Foundation for Innovation grant for the development of the Inclusive Design Institute.

The Fluid Project is pleased to announce Fluid Infusion v. 1.1 is now available for download.

Fluid Engage had a successful all hands meeting in Toronto on June 22-24th.

ATutor introduces the ATutor Social Tools in its latest release.
The ATutor presentation of the AccessForAll implementation took the Delegates Web Accessibility Challenge Award at the W4A Conference in Madrid!

AChecker v.1.0 web accessibility evaluation tool has been released.

Volunteer Opportunities - If you are interested in volunteering with the ATRC, please contact us at: 416-978-4360

Accessibility & Usability Testing Opportunities ! - For our current round of testing, we are looking for people who use assistive technologies to help us evaluate and improve the user experience of Fluid software.

Upcoming Conferences & Events

Conferences and Workshops:

In Remembrance of Jon Kameoka

The ATRC fondly remembers Jon Kameoka

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