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Arkansas has the following Pesticide Applicator Categories:

DoD Category Arkansas State Equivalent
2 Forest Forestry (SPB)
3 Ornamental and Turf Ornamental and Turf (CPCS)
3a Soil Fumigation No Equivalent
5 Aquatic Plant and Animal Aquatic (SPB)
6 Right-of-Way Right-of-Way (SPB)
6a Grassland and Non-Crop Agricultural Land Weed Control (CPCS)
7 Industrial, Institutional, Structural and Health-Related Industrial, institutional, structural and health-related (CPCS)
7a Stored Product Fumigation No Equivalent
8 Public Health Public Health (SPB)
10 Demonstration and Research Demonstration and Research (SPB)
11 Aerial Pilot Authorization
Arkansas State Plant Board

CPCS - Commercial Pest Control Section
SPB - State Plant Board

Other Licenses/Permits Required

Contractor's license is not required.
Subcontractor's company license is required.

State Regulatory POC

Darryl Little, Director

Directory of Pesticide Control Officials

Arkansas Commercial Pest Control Section

The Arkansas Pest Control Law and Regulations (PCLR) require any person who, for compensation, engages in pest control service work, as defined in the law, to have a valid license issued by the Plant Board for that purpose. The PCLR further requires that any person who uses a restricted-use pesticide be, or work under the supervision of, someone licensed or certificated by the Plant Board for such work. Currently, the CPCS issues licenses or certificates for the following classifications of work:

I. Commercial Applicator
A. Industrial, Institutional, Structural and Health Related Pest Control
1. Termite and Other Structural Pest Control
2. Household Pest and Rodent Control
3. General Fumigation
7. Food Manufacturing, Processing and Storage Pest Control
8. Food Related Fumigation

B. Ornamental and Turf Pest Control
4. Ornamental, Tree and Turf Pest Control
5. Weed Control
6. Golf Course Pest Control

II. A. Non-Commercial Applicator (Certificate Only)
9.A. Ornamental Tree and Turf Pest Control
9.B. Ornamental Weed Control
10. Golf Course Pest Control

The Pesticide Division of the Plant Board also licenses Commercial and Non-Commercial applicators who perform work governed by the Arkansas Pesticide Use and Application Act and Regulations. Individuals who wish to make pesticide applications should reference both laws to see which, if either is applicable.

Other categories administered by the Plant Control Board include:

  • Agricultural Plants
  • Agricultural Animals
  • Demonstration and Research
  • Forestry
  • Wood Treatment
  • Right of Way
  • Public Health
  • Aquatic
  • Regulatory

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