Chronological Title List of Edison Motion Pictures

In the following list, the films listed for the years 1891 through 1900 are given in order of their production. This information was taken from Charles Musser's study of early Edison films, Edison Motion Pictures, 1890-1900: An Annotated Filmography. For the years 1901 through 1922, the films are listed in order of copyright date and number. Films that have no copyright or specific date of production are placed at the end of the list for the year in which they were manufactured.

1891-1896 | 1897-1898 | 1899-1900 | 1901-1902 | 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1910, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1922

1903 (TOP)

Skyscrapers of New York City, from the North River

New York Harbor Police Boat Patrol Capturing Pirates

New York City "Ghetto" Fish Market

New York City Dumping Wharf

Panorama of Riker's Island, N.Y.

White Wings on Review

Panorama of Blackwell's Island, N.Y.

Fireboat "New Yorker" in Action

Fireboat "New Yorker" Answering an Alarm

Panorama Water Front and Brooklyn Bridge from East River

Sorting Refuse at Incinerating Plant, New York City

Emigrants [i.e. Immigrants] Landing at Ellis Island

Street Car Chivalry

The Unappreciated Joke

Subub Surprises the Burglar

The Gay Shoe Clerk

Rube and Mandy at Coney Island

San Francisco Chinese Funeral

The Extra Turn

A Romance of the Rail

The Messenger Boy's Mistake

Move On

What Happened in the Tunnel

The Great Train Robbery

Opening of New East River Bridge, New York

1904 (TOP)

Treloar and Miss Marshall, Prize Winners at the Physical Culture Show in Madison Square Garden

Buster Brown Series:

Buster's Dog to the Rescue

Buster and Tige Put a Baloon Vender Out of Business [sic]

Buster and the Dude

Buster Makes Room for His Mama at the Bargain Counter

Buster's Revenge on the Tramp

Dog Factory

Japanese Acrobats

How a French Nobleman Got a Wife Through the New York Herald Personal Columns

European Rest Cure

Maniac Chase

Rube Couple at County Fair

1905 (TOP)

The Burglar's Slide for Life

The Little Train Robbery

1906 (TOP)

Army Pack Train Bringing Supplies

Exploded Gas Tanks, U.S. Mint, Emporium and Spreckel's Bld'g

1910 (TOP)

The Stenographer's Friend

1915 (TOP)

The Voice of the Violin

1917 (TOP)

R.F.D. 10,000 B.C.

Gold and Diamond Mines of South Africa

Down the Old Potomac

1918 (TOP)

The Good Sport (James Montgomery Flagg's Girls You Know)

1922 (Not Edison Co.) (TOP)

A Day with Thomas A. Edison (General Electric Co.)

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