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Concentrating Solar Power Research


ISES Solar World Congress 2009 

October 11 - 14, 2009
Johannesburg, South Africa

Solar Power International (formerly listed as Solar Power 2009) 

October 27 - 29, 2009
Anaheim, CA

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NREL's concentrating solar power research supports the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technologies Program, through its partnership in SunLab.

Photo of a large field of parabolic troughs in rows. Photo of a dish Stirling concentrating solar power system, which consists of large square mirrors placed around a receiver. Photo of a solar power tower rising above large, rectangular mirrors on the ground, which surround it. The backs of the mirrors are shown.

NREL collaborates with industry to further the research and development of concentrating solar power (CSP) plant and solar thermal technologies.

Learn more about our capabilities:

NREL's R&D projects in concentrating solar power focus on parabolic trough solar technology and advanced concentrating solar power technologies. We also support the U.S. Department of Energy in its concentrating solar power deployment efforts. For more information, see our projects.

Photo of a parabolic trough up-close, showing the reflectors or mirrors and the absorber tube.


Parabolic Trough Solar Power Network

As part of its concentrating solar power research, NREL develops this technical resource for the evaluation of parabolic trough solar power plant technologies.

NREL's Electricity, Resources, and Building Systems Integration Center leads the research and development in concentrating solar power.


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NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
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Content Last Updated: July 09, 2009