Each new season brings with it the promise of change and improvements. At HEATH, this season is no different. You will note many changes in how we look and updates to our materials. We are pleased to present to you our newly configured site updated with the addition of training modules written for young high school students with disabilities who are preparing for transition from high school to college. Development of these self-directed modules and our improved website was supported in part by Lumina Foundation for Education , an Indianapolis-based, private, independent foundation dedicated to expanding success in education beyond high school. By selecting on the "Module" tab you will find a menu of 14 preparatory, self-directed modules for secondary students with disabilities as well as modules for parents and college/university professionals.
The motto "Nothing About Us Without Us" relies on the principles of participation, self determination, self. We bring these principles of full participation into practice on the HEATH website by providing a venue for student voices to be heard and affirm that persons with disabilities can help shape a better world for all. Included in this page are the personal stories of students with disabilities. If you are a college, university, or a career-technical school student with a disability, The HEATH Resource Center takes this opportunity to welcome and encourage you to submit an original article to our editors for publication in our new "Student Voices" section of The HEATH Resource Center Publications and Newsletter. We invite you to read their stories and learn about the experiences of others with disabilities transitioning into college, career, and community.

Resource Paper: ADA AA: What Does It Mean
By Donna Martinez, Ed.D.

Amendments to The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 were passed by Congress September 25, 2008. The law, effective as of January 1, 2009, is now referred to as The ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADA AA). On December 12, 2008 the American Association for People with Disabilities ( ) announced the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Chair, Naomi Churchill Earp, citing concerns that had been raised by members of the disability community about the Commission issuing an "Interim Final Rule" that would take effect without any opportunity for the disability community to review and comment on them, announced that she had decided to follow a more traditional " Notice of Proposed Rulemaking" process where advocates and stakeholders would have an opportunity to comment on the proposed regulations before they take effect. 

HEATH wishes to thank the following sources for their information:

  • The Disability Law & Policy e-Newsletter is the collaborative product of Editor-in-Chief David W. Klein, Ph.D., Executive Editor William N. Myhill, M.Ed., J.D., Managing Editor Deepti Samant, M.S. (Rehab), M.S. (ECE); and Associate Editors Janelle Frias, B.A., Lauren Chanatry, B.A., Shawna Castells, B.S., Aaron Gottlieb, B.A., Carly Pavlick, Amanda Bernasconi, and Nicole Loring.
  • The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition E-News supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, and (Cooperative Agreement No.H326J000005) available at
  • National and Community Services Resource Center: |800-860-2684 | This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Fact Sheet - Suggestions for Spelling and Public Speaking
Public speaking, whether or not you have a disability, is often a scary thing. Disability Support Services personnel across the nation recommend the following accommodations to accommodate their students with disabilities who must write and/or present their projects in a public speaker's forum
Fact Sheet - Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society
Fact Sheet about Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society and Formation of the Pi Chapter
By Becky Duke and Edith F. Miller, Ed.D.

During the Fall 2007 semester individuals at the University of South Carolina began a journey toward the formation of a chapter of Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society. This fact sheet describes a model used by Disability Support Services Director, Becky Duke and advisors at the University of South Carolina to assist students in forming the Pi Chapter of Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society for students with disabilities.   The development of a student based Steering Committee that prepared the Pi Chapter’s constitution was central to the model used. 

ADA Amendments Passed and Has Become Law!
© Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc. (COPAA), 2008.

Reprinted with permission from: © Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc. (COPAA), 2008.

The ADAAA overturns a decade of jurisprudence that has barred the door to ADA eligibility for many people with disabilities, including epilepsy, diabetes, intellectual and developmental disabilities, muscular dystrophy, and cancer, among many others. The reforms in the law will apply to both the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The reforms will restore the intent of the bipartisan Congress that passed the ADA in 1990. At the same time, the bill is a compromise, as much legislation is. As you know, COPAA has worked in support of this important bill. The ADAAA will take effect in January 2009. COPAA will be providing more information about the ADAAA and its impact on Section 504 in the near future. We thank Senators Harkin and Hatch, and HELP Chair Senator Kennedy and Ranking Member Senator Enzi for their leadership. We also thank the many members of Congress who supported the bill, and the broad coalition of disability and employer groups who worked so hard for its passage.

Occassionally HEATH encounters new, informative, and uniques websites of special interest. We have selected a few of these and highlight them here for you. These are sites that provide resources, information, and new perspectives on the topic of postsecondary education, career development and transition to adulthood as a person with a disability. We invite you to visit these sites.
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