The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act

Please see our page on the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act for the latest version of this legislation.

Calling Americans to Serve at a Critical Time

America is facing unprecedented challenges – the economy, health care, energy, schools in need of improvement and more. With our public needs intensifying in this recession, there’s no better time to support and energize community service and volunteerism to help our country get through this economic crisis, restore confidence and prepare our nation for the future.

President Obama has called on Congress to create new opportunities for Americans to build a stronger country by helping students perform better in school, prepare Americans for green and innovative 21st century jobs, rebuild cities in times of disaster, improve communities and much, much more. This legislation, passed by the Committee by a vote of 34-3 on March 11, 2009, answers his call. It will launch a new era of service that will give Americans of all ages an opportunity to invest through service in our nation’s recovery.

Expanding Service Opportunities for College Students »

Expanding Service Opportunities for Middle and High School Students
Expanding Service Opportunities for Seniors »
Expanding Green Service for Americans »
Expanding Service Opportunities for Veterans »
Strengthening Volunteer Disaster Relief Efforts »
Find Out About National Service in Your State »

The GIVE Act (H.R. 1388):

Creates 175,000 New Service Opportunities and Rewards Americans for Commitment

  • Grows the number of volunteers nationwide to 250,000, up from 75,000. The bill also links the full-time education award to the maximum authorized Pell Grant award amount in order to keep up with rising college costs.

Provides Incentives for Middle and High School Students to Engage in Service

  • Establishes the Summer of Service program that engages middle and high school students in volunteer activities in their communities and allows them to earn a $500 education award to be used for college costs.  

Makes High School Students Part of Solution to Challenges in their Communities

  • Establishes Youth Engagement Zones, a new service-learning program to help bridge partnerships between community based organizations and schools in high-need, low-income communities to engage high school students and out-of-school youth in service-learning to address specific challenges their communities face.

Recognizes and Supports Colleges and Universities Engaged in Service

  • Establishes the Campuses of Service to support and recognize institutions of higher education with exemplary service-learning programs and assists students in the pursuit of public service careers.  

Boosts Opportunities for Disadvantaged Youth

  • Expands opportunities for disadvantaged youth, including those with disabilities, to become more involved with service and strives to include people of all ages and those from diverse background in volunteerism.

Creates Green and Other New Service Corps to Meet Key Needs in Low-Income Communities

  • Establishes four new service corps to address key needs in low income communities, including a Clean Energy Corps to encourage energy efficiency and conservation measures, an Education Corps to help increase student engagement, achievement and graduation, a Healthy Futures Corps to improve health care access, and a Veterans Service Corps to enhance services for veterans.

Broadens Scope of Collaborative Service Efforts

  • Expands the focus of the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) to include disaster relief, infrastructure improvement, environmental and energy conservation, and urban and rural development.
  • Encourages service partnerships with other federal agencies.

Recruits Scientists and Engineers to Service to Keep America Competitive

  • Recruits scientists, technicians, mathematicians and engineers into national service to help keep America competitive.

Establishes an Alumni Reserve to Respond in Emergencies 

  • Establishes an alumni corps of former participants who can be called to service during times of disaster and other emergencies.

Expands Service Opportunities for Older Americans and Public-Private Partnerships

  • Creates two new fellowships to engage social entrepreneurs, seniors and retirees, the private sector and Americans from all generations in service.
  1. ServeAmerica Fellowships: ServeAmerica Fellows are individuals who propose their own plans for serving in their communities to address national needs and are matched up with a service sponsor.
  2. Silver Scholarships and Encore Fellowships: These programs offer seniors, age 55 or older, opportunities to transition into service post-career as well as entrance into new careers in the public or nonprofit sector.

Creates a Nationwide Community-Based Infrastructure to Leverage Investments in Service

  • Builds a nationwide service infrastructure through community-building investments and social entrepreneurship.
  1. Community Solutions Fund: Creates a Community Solutions Fund pilot program that awards competitive matching grants to social entrepreneur venture funds in order to provide community organizations with the resources to replicate or expand proven solutions to community challenges.
  2. Volunteer Generation Fund: Provides grants to improve the quality and capacity of organizations to work with volunteers, and to create innovations in volunteerism in the areas of recruitment, training and management.

Establishes Call to Service Campaigns

  • Includes a Call to Service Campaign to launch a national campaign encouraging all Americans to engage in service and to observe September 11th as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.

Support for the GIVE Act (H.R. 1388)

"We, the undersigned Mayors, support expanding community and national service opportunities for Americans of all ages. In this difficult time for our country, service remains an enduring American value that brings people together and reminds us of the strength of our common bond.  As mayors, we have seen first hand how important community and national service can be to help us address pressing challenges in our cities and towns...

"We urge the Congress to promptly pass and fully fund the bi-partisan Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act – H.R. 1388."

U.S. Mayors
Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 13KB)»

"We write in support of reauthorizing and expanding AmeriCorps and other national service and volunteer programs that the Corporation for National and Community Service administers.  Accordingly, we support the passage of the House Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act and the Senate Serve America Act.  In this difficult time for our country, service remains an enduring American value that brings communities together and reminds us of the strength of our common bond.

"As Governors, we witness firsthand the positive effects that national service and volunteerism have in communities throughout our states.  Through outstanding state-federal partnerships, we have a unique opportunity to support service and volunteering through Corporation for National and Community Service programs.  Additionally, Governor-appointed state commissions oversee and administer AmeriCorps, promote national service and volunteering, and develop innovative volunteer opportunities to meet the needs of our communities and our states."

U.S. Governors
Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 520KB)»

"I too agree with President Obama's call to Congress to invest in our nation's recovery through service.  The time is now!  Today's challenges are why the work of those who choose to serve their communities through programs such as those supported by the GIVE Act is so crucial."

Usher Raymond IV, Chairman and Founder
Usher's New Look Foundation

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 231KB) »

“Students graduating from high school and college face two of the greatest challenges in our nation’s history – an economic crisis and global warming.  This legislation will jumpstart a new generation of green leaders by teaching them skills needed to develop clean energy and improve our nation’s energy efficiency, which is the cheapest, fastest, and cleanest way to reduce global warming pollution and save money.”

Jim Presswood, Federal Energy Policy Director
Natural Resources Defense Council

"On behalf of the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities (USU), thank you for including provisions in the GIVE Act (H.R. 1388) that support community service and service learning efforts by universities.  We endorse the overall purpose of the legislation to encourage more Americans to serve and volunteer in areas of national need...    

"As anchors for our nation’s cities, USU institutions are engaged in partnerships and outreach within our local communities and metropolitan areas, including community service and service learning."

Nancy L. Zimpher, Chair
Coalition of Urban Serving Universities

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 93KB) »

"The GIVE Act will dramatically improve the national service field’s ability to meet our nation’s most challenging needs. Jumpstart applauds the inclusion of provisions to strengthen national and community service, including the provisions to create new Corps to address particular challenges, increase in the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award amount, allow individuals to be eligible to receive an aggregate of two full-time service awards, and establish a Community Solutions Fund to support the growth of innovative programs.

"The call for national service has never been more important."

James Cleveland, President

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 32KB) »

"On behalf of over 40 million members, AARP writes in support of an amendment to incorporate the Volunteer Generation Fund in H.R. 1388, the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (G.I.V.E. Act), and to support enactment of H.R. 1388 with the inclusion of the Volunteer Generation Fund...

"This legislation will strengthen and expand civic engagement and volunteer opportunities at a time when many communities are in great need."

David P. Sloane, Senior Vice President
Government Relations and Advocacy

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 787KB) »

"NCOA’s work in national and community service clearly demonstrates that adults approaching retirement age are concerned about the future of the country and want to give back – but in new ways with more impact. Many of them will be interested in exploring service opportunities, but may need some incentive and encouragement to get involved. NCOA believes that our nation should adopt public policies that empower older adults to make a
commitment to remain active citizens in their communities in ways that address critical human needs. We believe the provisions of the GIVE Act with its recommendations for modernizing the National Senior Corps does just that."

James P. Firman
National Council on Aging

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 94KB) »

"The GIVE Act includes many important programmatic adjustments that will help to make the benefits of service available to more participants and more communities, improve program quality, provide a mechanism for appropriate evaluation of programs, ensure participant diversity, recalculate the value of the AmeriCorps Education Award, and address a host of other structural and programmatic issues...

"By reauthorizing these national service programs, you can ensure that every American has an opportunity to serve in his or her community. Our communities, our states, and our entire nation will benefit from the continued services that these volunteers provide."

Tom Branen, Executive Director
America’s Service Commissions

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 108KB) »

"On behalf of the students, families, staff, and supporters of Citizen Schools, I offer our strong support for the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act (H.R. 1388)...

"This legislation will allow organizations like Citizen Schools to serve more children, more effectively. Citizen Schools is a leading national education initiative that uniquely mobilizes thousands of adult volunteers to help improve student achievement and close the achievement gap by teaching skill-building apprenticeships after school."

Eric Schwarz, President and CEO
Citizen Schools

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 64KB) »

"Through our work at the Connecticut Commission on Community Service, we have seen how service can be a powerful strategy for meeting growing needs, giving Americans meaningful work in a difficult climate, and getting our economy moving again.  That is why I am writing to urge you to support swift passge and full funding of the GIVE Act (H.R. 1388)."

Jacqueline Johnson, Executive Director
Serve Connecticut

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 1.35MB) »

"We are deeply grateful that the House Education and Labor Committee has recognized the pivotal moment we are in as a country and responded by passing H.R. 1388, The GIVE Act.  Service can play a critical role in getting our economy moving again, engaging Americans in productive work in difficult times and meeting the growing needs in communities.  We need to reinvest in service, starting with the reauthorization of national and community service programs operated by The Corporation for National and Community Service, which have not been reauthorized in 16 years.
"We believe that the provisions in H.R. 1388 will make it possible for more Americans to serve, stimulate more volunteering and increase the diversity of those serving.  We also believe that the reforms contained in the bill will ensure accountability, transparency, and results, while providing administrative simplification to help faith and community-based organizations—particularly those smaller nonprofits operating in rural areas and in economically disadvantaged communities—to more effectively meet community needs."

National Service Organizations
Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 176KB) »

"Thank you for your leadership in the face of such unprecedented economic challenges.  We are writing to express our strong support for the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act of 2009 (GIVE Act).  The GIVE Act will reauthorize the National and Community Services Act of 1990 by making key reforms to the Americorps program.  Community challenges such as rising unemployment and the current foreclosure crisis have disproportionately affected our most vulnerable communities, which is why the work of those who choose to serve these communities through programs such as the ones supported by the GIVE Act is so crucial."

Michael Rubinger, President and Chief Executive Officer
Local Initiatives Support Corporation

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 76KB) »

"We are deeply grateful that the House Education and Labor Committee has recognized the pivotal moment we are in as a country and has responded by passing H.R. 1388, The GIVE Act.  The Act recognizes that we need to reinvest in service, starting with the reauthorization of national and community service programs operated by the Corporation for National and Community Service, which have not been reauthorized in 16 years."

W. David Mallery, Executive Director
Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 410KB) »

"Responding to systemic problems and crises that face our country, young Americans are giving back in record numbers (nearly a quarter of those over age 16 have volunteered). The Millennial Generation, growing up in the wake of the September 11th attacks, is leading a movement of citizen-centered change and joining together across generational, cultural and socio-economic bounds in a shared sense of ownership and national responsibility. It is in this spirit of renewed civic engagement and service that we urge your support of The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (“GIVE”) Act."

Chris Golden & Nick Troiano
Co-Founders, myImpact

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 29KB) »

"I hope that you will support swift passage of the GIVE Act and the Volunteer Generation Fund amendment when both come to the House floor this week."

Rachel A. Chadderdon, Executive Director

Click here to read full letter of support (PDF, 42KB) »

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