ORISE Business Areas

Worker and Public Health Communication

Science Education Programs

Occupational Exposure and Worker Studies

Professional and Technical Training

Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site

National Security and Emergency Management

Scientific Peer Reviews

Other Business Areas


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the U.S. Department of Energy
by Oak Ridge Associated Universities
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Home > Worker and Public Health Communication > Research and Evaluation

Worker and Public Health Communication

Research and Evaluation

Effective health communication programs are built on solid research and evaluation. From assessing human health hazards to testing communications materials using the representative audience, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) can help you identify health issues, audience perceptions, communication needs and behavioral change strategies. This data can help you refine the design, implementation, and overall quality of a communication intervention.

ORISE partners with its customers to:

Our research and evaluation capabilities include:

Process and Program Evaluation
ORISE helps choose the right method necessary to help agencies effectively meet their evaluation needs.

Data Collection and Analysis
From formative research to evaluation, ORISE collects and analyzes program data with appropriate collection methods to inform agency decision-making.

Media Analysis
ORISE is experienced in assisting agencies in identifying trends related to emerging health issues.

For more information

Marcus A. Weseman
Vice President and
Program Director

ORISE conducts a focus group

Focus groups are just one of many tools that ORISE uses to help its clients develop and test health messages.