Greg Pederson's Research Projects

Current Research Projects
The central research goal of each new study is to develop a greater understanding of current and historic changes in biological and water resources as driven by climate. Current projects include:

  • Millennial length reconstructions of Colorado River flow.
  • Spatial reconstructions of snowpack across the intermountain west.
  • Climate-growth response of 5-needle pines.
  • An in-depth study of changes in the variability and timing of snowmelt, and the impacts on hydrologic resources and timing of peak flow of the major river systems within the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem.
  • Climate driven species shifts in alpine lakes of the Beartooth Mountains and Glacier National Park.

This work is interdisciplinary and would not be possible without the collaboration of friends/colleagues, and the institutions they work for. Funding is critical as well, and has largely been provided by 1) the U.S. Geological Survey - Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NRMSC), 2) the National Science Foundation (NSF) Geography and Regional Science, and Ecology programs, 3) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and 4) the Big Sky Institute at Montana State University.