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News Release NR-1909

CRSP and Colorado School of Mines REMRSEC Form Relationship

July 27, 2009

The Center for Revolutionary Solar Photoconversion (CRSP) and the Renewable Energy Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (REMRSEC) have announced an important affiliation that will add value to both centers and enhance their work on solar energy research.  The relationship between the centers will allow researchers doing work for CRSP to access key equipment and facilities at the REMRSEC and for member companies in CRSP to enjoy briefings on the work being done at the REMRSEC. CRSP will serve as the REMRSEC’s industrial partner.

The REMRSEC was announced last fall by the National Science Foundation and is located at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM).  CSM will receive $9.3 million to establish the Center, which will focus on investigating emerging renewable energy materials and technologies.   It is the first NSF-funded Center dedicated solely to renewable energy and includes considerable participation by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory and some participation by the University of Colorado at Boulder, among other participants. 

“We are excited about this new relationship and the positive impact it will have on the development of materials for the next generation of photovoltaic panels,” said CSM Professor P. Craig Taylor, director for the REMRSEC and a co-director of CRSP

CRSP was launched in April 2008 by the Colorado Renewable Energy Collaboratory and has three solar research programs underway: Industry Shared Research, Industry Sponsored Research and Federally Funded Research (including participation in a recent U.S. Department of Energy  Engineering Frontiers Research Center award).

Dr. Arthur Nozik, Senior Research Fellow at NREL and the Scientific Director for CRSP said, “This tie between CRSP and the REMRSEC will enhance the research capabilities at both centers and deliver additional value to our member companies.”

CRSP is dedicated to the basic and applied research necessary to create revolutionary newsolar energy technologies, as well as education and training opportunities. The research underpins novel renewable energy technologies, commonly called "third-generation solar photon conversion," that exhibit highly efficient and low-cost production of both fuels and electricity via direct solar-conversion processes.

CRSP includes four research institutions (NREL, CSM, CU and Colorado State University) and 15 member companies that help fund its shared and sponsored research programs including Applied Materials, Inc., Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc., DuPont, Evident Technologies, Inc., Konarka Technologies, Inc., Lockheed Martin, Motech Industries Inc., QuantumSphere, Inc., Sharp Corporation, Solasta, Inc., SunEdison, LLC, Toyota, General Motors, QFlux Inc. and G24 Innovations, Ltd.  

NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy's primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for DOE by The Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.




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