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Installing EnergyPlus

Version 3.1.0 Build 027
EnergyPlus is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Energy.

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EnergyPlus is a building energy simulation program for modeling building heating, cooling, lighting, ventilating, and other energy flows. While it is based on the most popular features and capabilities of BLAST and DOE-2, it includes many innovative simulation capabilities such as time steps of less than an hour, modular systems and plant integrated with heat balance-based zone simulation, multizone air flow, thermal comfort, and photovoltaic systems. EnergyPlus is a stand-alone simulation program without a 'user friendly' graphical interface. EnergyPlus reads input and writes output as text files.

Installing EnergyPlus Version 3.1.0

EnergyPlus is available for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista as well as Linux (installation instructions), and Macintosh (installation instructions). There is no charge to install and use EnergyPlus. You must register your copy of EnergyPlus in order to receive an email with the installation password. Follow these steps:

  1. Read the terms in the license agreement that you will also see during the installation process. If you agree with the terms, proceeed with step 2.

  2. Fill out the form below.

  3. When you press continue, you will be directed to a page where you can download the Windows, Windows resumable web installer, Linux, or Macintosh version of the EnergyPlus software.
    (NOTE: The 'Windows' version is a full download of all EnergyPlus programs, documentation, and utilities. The 'Windows resumable web' version is a small install program where you can select the options you want and only have those portions of the install downloaded. EnergyPlus still resides and run on the local computer. There is no functional difference between the Windows full install and Windows resumable web install versions. The Windows resumable web version can be better for people who have trouble downloading the single big file since Windows resumable download version downloads pieces rather than a single file. It also restarts where it left off if the connection is dropped. It requires an internet connection during installation.)

  4. An installation password will be sent via email within 24 hours.
    (NOTE: Make sure your email address is entered correctly or you will not receive the installation password. Your email address is only used to send your installation password and to notify you of new versions of EnergyPlus. Your contact information is used only for licensing and will not be used, given away or sold for any other purpose.)

  5. Install and run EnergyPlus from the downloaded file.

  6. Download Weather Data for use in running EnergyPlus Version 3.1.0 examples.

  7. Support information and options.

NOTE: If your connection times out during the download process do not fill out the registration form again, the database will not accept duplicate registrations. Please refer to your installation email for a link to the download page.

If you have any questions regarding the Windows version of EnergyPlus, please contact If you have trouble installing the Linux version of EnergyPlus, please email If you have questions about the Macintosh version of EnergyPlus, please email If you have problems with the registration form or do not receive an email please contact

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To download the EnergyPlus Version 3.1.0 package, fill out this form below and click continue. Fields with a RED asterisk are required. If you've registered for previous versions of EnergyPlus enter your email to auto populate the form.

(You MUST enter a valid email address or you will not receive the installation password.)


*Are you registering this copy for:

*What will you use EnergyPlus for:

*Have you used previous versions of EnergyPlus?

If yes, which versions?

Use the CTRL key to select all that apply.

If you answered yes to the above question then the following questions are also required:

Have you used EnergyPlus to evaluate building designs or retrofits?

If yes for design or retrofits, then:
Estimate total floor area modeled with EnergyPlus in the past year (indicate ft2 or m2)

Estimate total floor area modeled since you started using EnergyPlus (indicate ft2 or m2)


NOTE: The information collected here is only used for registration and licensing and will not be used for any other purpose, given away, or sold.

Forgot/lost or didn't receive a password?

NOTE: The current version of EnergyPlus is Version 3.1.0 Build 027 — Only the current release of EnergyPlus is supported and can be downloaded—not prior versions. The current program comes with instructions for updating your existing input files to the current release.

Printable Version

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EnergyPlus Copyright© 1996-2008 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and The Regents of the University of California through the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
All rights reserved.
EnergyPlus is a trademark of the United States Department of Energy.

U.S. Department of Energy