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Projects Funded by the New England Region
2001-2006 Contract

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Outreach Subcontracts

Baystate Medical Center
The Greater Springfield (MA) HIV/AIDS Outreach Project

The project will provide electronic access to HIV/AIDS information to public health professionals from community-based organizations and clinics in the greater Springfield metropolitan area whose clients are HIV/AIDS patients.
Period of Performance: March 1, 2003-August 31, 2004.

Boston College
Information Technology Skills for Social Workers

The Boston College School of Social Work will develop and provide a two-day workshop for practicing social workers titled: "Information Technology Skills for Social Workers".
Period of Performance: June 1, 2002-June 30, 2004.

Boston University
Access to Biomedical Information in HIV and AIDS

The Alumni Medical Library, Boston University Medical Center, in collaboration with the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC), will facilitate access to biomedical information in HIV and AIDS by providing information skills training to the consumers of the Boston EMA and those using services of the approximately 60 Title I and City of Boston Prevention, Education, and Care funded programs.
Boston AIDS Information Outreach Project Website.
Period of Performance: October 1, 2001-March 31, 2003

Bunker Hill Community College (Boston, MA)
Community Links to Health Resources Project

This project will provide consistent and meaningful outreach between the Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) Library and Information Center to health industry community based organizations currently underserved in the area of access to print and online health information resources. The project will support the development of awareness and utilization of the Health Science print and electronic resources in the BHCC Library and Information Center. Efforts will involve the library staff and community partners to assess needs for health-related information, and to raise awareness and increase use of available health information resources for the benefit of the underserved.
Period of Performance: April 1, 2005-April 30, 2006

Franklin Community Health Newtork (Farmington, ME)
Medical Library Outreach Project

The Franklin Community Health Network Medical Library aims to increase the ability of librarians, consumers, and health care professionals in the Franklin Community Health Network service area to find and evaluate reliable and user-appropriate health information. The outreach project will educate participants about available resources and train them in finding, evaluating, and using health information resources. In order to make the medical library more accessible to working people and students, the library's operating hours will be extended to include Saturday. The medical librarians will provide onsite and offsite education and training for health care professionals, public librarians and consumers.
Period of Performance: July 1, 2005-April 30, 2006

Franklin Medical Center (Greenfield, MA)
Library Connections for Health

The 18-month project provides health information training opportunities to public librarians and health care providers in rural Franklin County.
Period of Performance: April 1, 2004-September 30, 2005

Hartford Hospital, Health Science Library (Hartford, CT)
Building Bridges Between Conventional and Complementary Medicine

Subcontract with the Hartford Hospital (Health Science Libraries and Department of Integrative Medicine) to create a Web-based "How to" manual on developing and Integrative Medicine Program in Health care institutions. "Building Bridges Between Conventional and Complementary Medicine; A Simple and Practical Manual for Developing an Integrative Medicine Program in Your Institution".
Period of Performance: June 1, 2003-November 30, 2004

Holyoke Consumer Health Library, Inc., (Holyoke, MA)
Consumer Health Library Project

The project creates a network of consumer health access stations at health and human service agencies in Holyoke, MA
Period of Performance: September 1, 2004-March 31, 2006

JSI Center for Environmental Health Studies (Boston, MA)
Informed Communities: Environmental Health Initiative

The project assists residents of Dorchester, MA to access, understand, and apply environmental health information.
Period of Performance: September 1, 2004-March 31, 2006

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Worcester Campus
Community-Based Instruction on Use of the Internet to Find Health Information

The purpose of this award is to provide classes to community based groups in the western Massachusetts area. Fifteen classes will be taught by MCP faculty members in conjunction with library staff to encourage members of community based groups to use the Internet to find quality health information.
Period of Performance: July 1, 2002-February 28, 2004

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Using Instructional Technology to Teach Database Searching Skills to Physician's Assistants in New Hampshire

This 18-month project provides health information training opportunities to New Hampshire's Physician's Assistants using a combination of distance-based instructional technology and in-person sessions. The Physician's Assistants primarily serve in mostly rural and small city settings.
Period of Performance: May 1, 2004-October 31, 2005

Massachusetts General Hospital, Treadwell Library
Access to Resources for Community Health (ARCH)

The Treadwell Library will work with community organizations to improve access to on-line health information for school and community health nurses in four underserved communities. Funding will enable Access to Resources for Community Health (ARCH) to improve electronic access to health information to these nurses.
ARCH Project Website.
Period of Performance: April 1, 2002-August 31, 2004

New Hampshire Area Health Education Center (AHEC) through the Dartmouth Medical School
Health Information New Hampshire Project

Project provides tools, training workshops, and ongoing technical assistance to both providers of health care (Health Care Professionals) and providers of information services (Public Librarians). Training opportunities will occur throughout New Hampshire's counties. Health Care professionals will receive training on consumer health resources at selected health centers.
Period of Performance: April 1, 2004-March 31, 2005

Qualidigm Incorporated, Health Sciences Library (Middletown, CT)
Qualidigm Incorporated's Outreach to Quality Improvement Organizations

Qualidigm is Connecticut's quality improvement organization (QIO). Through this project Qualidigm will extend affordable library services to the entire QIO network. The project will improve QIO staff's research abilities and methods, and ultimately improve Medicare provider and beneficiary healthcare knowledge. Qualidigm will develop and implement a coordinated outreach program that includes an extension of a pilot program, increased marketing and promotion, additional and upgraded library resources, more targeted outreach and training, and partnering with industry associations.
Period of Performance: April 1, 2005-April 30, 2006

Rhode Island Hospital in collaboration with Brown University Sciences Library
Rhode Island Multitype Library Outreach for Health Information

A 15-month project to provide continuing education health education opportunities to public librrians in Rhode Island.
Period of Performance: April 1, 2004-June 30, 2005

Rutland Regional Medical Center (Rutland, VT)
Grandparents and Relatives as Surrogate Parents (GRASP)

Grandparents and Relatives as Surrogate Parents (G.R.A.S.P.) proposes to link members of this emerging population to existing services within our organizations and across the community, to address their many health and social needs. The target population is adults (grandparents and others) throughout our region, who find themselves in the role of raising their grandchildren. The goals of G.R.A.S.P. are to: 1. provide grandparents raising their grandchildren in the Rutland region an open forum for support and learning; 2. respond to the consumer health information needs of grandparents raising their grandchildren; and, 3. provide participants with the opportunity to learn basic research skills, or to improve their skill foundation.
Period of Performance: July 15, 2005 - April 30, 2006

Southcoast Hospitals Group, St. Luke's Hospital Health Sciences Library (New Bedford, MA)
St. Luke's Hospital Library Health Information Outreach to the Greater New Bedford Community

Utilize a train-the-trainer approach for local public libraries and healthcare agencies on PubMed, MedlinePlus, and health information literacy.
Consumer Health Outreach Program Website
Period of Performance: April 1, 2003 - May 31, 2004

Tufts University Health Sciences Library
Outreach to Health Workers in the Asian Community

The Tufts University Medical Library will work with the 60 health care providers (physicians, physician assistants, providers, nurses, psychiatrists, and social workers) at South Cove, a clinic that specializes in providing medical services to specific ethnic/racial Asian Groups who are not being served elsewhere. The library staff will provide training on locating and using health related information, especially PubMed and MEDLINEPlus.
Selected Patient Information Resources in Asian Languages (SPIRAL) Project Website.
Period of Performance: October 1, 2001-March 31, 2003

Tufts University Health Sciences Library
Selected Patient Information Resources in Asian Languages (SPIRAL)

The purpose of the Tufts SPIRAL project is to make Asian language consumer health resources readily available to the Asian community in Boston, and its surrounding areas. The Asian community in Boston is expanding rapidly. This project will create a web resource that will consist of evaluated and annotated links to consumer health-related information sites in Cambodian/Khmer, Chinese, Hmong, Korean, Laotian, Thai, and the Vietnames languages. The site will be promoted through community organizations such as the South Cove Community Health Center.
Selected Patient Information Resources in Asian Languages (SPIRAL) Project Website.
Period of Performance: October 1, 2003-March 31, 2005

UMass Memorial Children's Medical Center Pediatric Family Resource Library
Outreach to Parents Interested in Finding Quality Health Information on the Internet to Care for their Children

This award will set up a program to provide classes to parents who are interested in finding quality health information on the Internet for their children. The project will provide classes to these parents over a one year period of time to be held in the Lamar Soutter Library's new computer instruction facilities. The project will also provide customized classes for parent groups and community agencies that serve children.
Period of Performance: July 1, 2002-June 30, 2004

University of Massachusetts Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library
Massachusetts Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Learning and Library Resources Service Program

Provide a statewide learning and library program for the Massachusetts AHEC system using NLM services and products as a base. This is a collaborative effort between the Lamar Soutter Library and the Massachusetts AHEC Program to enhance library and learning resources and services throughout the AHEC system and at its regional service centers.
Period of Performance: July 1, 2002-June 30, 2004

University of Massachusetts Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library
Central Massachusetts Access to Child Health Information (CATCH)

Project to improve access to electronic health information for parents and pediatric providers in Central Massachusetts. The goal of the project is to improve the capacity of public health agency staff and their clients to effectively utilize electronic health information resources and address problems and barriers to accessing them.
Period of Performance: March 1, 2003-June 30, 2005

University of Massachusetts Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library
New England Public Health Workforce Outreach

The purpose of this outreach proposal is to provide health information services to the public health workforce throughout New England. Public health associations, networks, and collaboratives, and public health offices will be targeted for direct outreach with personal contacts, site visits to assess health information needs and training opportunities. The project is an organized approach to contacting public health officials and organizing training sessions within designated geographic areas in each of the region's states.
Period of Performance: January 1, 2004-December 31, 2006

University of Massachusetts Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library
Partners in Information for the Public Health Website

The 25-month project will provide content assistance and consultation in addressing redesign issues of the Partners in Public Health Website.
Partners in Public Health Website
Period of Performance: April 1, 2004-April 30, 2006

University of Massachusetts Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library
E-Mental Health in Central Massachusetts

This project provides resources, training, reference, and document delivery services to mental health agencies, mental health care providers, and consumers of mental health information.
Period of Performance: September 1, 2004-March 31, 2006

University of Massachusetts Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library
Massachusetts Go Local Project

This project provides resources, training, reference, and document delivery services to mental health agencies, mental health care providers, and consumers of mental health information.
Period of Performance: September 1, 2004-March 31, 2006

University of Massachusetts Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library in Partnership with the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Family Medicine
Improving Health Information for the Public and Professional in the Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD) in Underserved Populations

This project will improve the management of Gastroesopageal Reflux Disorder (GERD) in underserved populations by developing an interative, web-based resource for both the providers and a similar web-based resource for patients. The goal is to focus on effective use of information systems by both patients and providers. Providers and patients will be trained to use these web tools, which will include PubMed "Clinical Queries" filters for the physicians and MedlinePlus for patients. Provider costs, patient satisfaction, and web site "hits" will be evaluated to determine the degree to which these interventions are beneficial. The project targets patients of the Community Health Centers throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Period of Performance: July 1, 2005-April 30, 2006

University of Vermont, Dana Medical Library
Vermont Cooperative Consumer Health Information Project

The participating institutions and organizations will undertake a coordinated approach to providing consumer health information, including the provision of selected educational and instructional offerings, to the public of the cities of Burlington and South Burlington, Vermont, and throughout the region.
Period of Performance: April 1, 2003-September 30, 2004

University of Vermont, Dana Medical Library
in partnership with Fletcher Allen Health Care and United Ways of Vermont/Vermont 2-1-1
Vermont Go-Local

The Dana Medical Library (DML) at the University of Vermont (Burlington, VT), in partnership with Fletcher Allen Health Care (FAHC), and the United Ways of Vermont/Vermont 2-1-1 will participate in the MedlinePlus Go Local program as the local resource manager for the State of Vermont. The project will identify and index resources for the entire state of Vermont. A major challenge of providing services to the citizens of Vermont is the rural nature of most of the state.
Period of Performance: July 1, 2005-April 30, 2006

World Education, Inc.
Plain Language Health Information Project

Build the capacity of the adult basic education (ABE) system in Massachusetts and throughout New England to access reliable, relevant, plain language health information that adults hampered by limited literacy skills can understand and use.
Period of Performance: March 1, 2003-August 31, 2004

Yale University, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
Development of a Consumer Health Information Center at New Haven Public Library

The Yale School of Medicine, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, the Epidemiology and Public Health Library, and the New Haven Free Public Library will collaborate to develop a Consumer Health Information Center (CHIC) at the New Haven Free Public Library. The CHIC will serve the New Haven region as well as surrounding towns. It will provide access and training in the use of health related resources to local citizens.
New Haven Consumer Health Information Center Website.
Period of Performance: October 1, 2001-March 31, 2004

Yale University, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
Information Outreach for Connecticut Public Health

The 14-month project will provide health information training opportunities to Connecticut's public health workforce.
Period of Performance: May 1, 2004-June 30, 2005

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Electronic Document Delivery Projects

  • Addison Gilbert Hospital (Gloucester, MA)
  • American International College (Springfield, MA)
  • Anna Jacques Hospital (Newburyport, MA)`
  • Baystate Medical Center (Springfield, MA)
  • Berkshire Medical Center (Pittsfield, MA)
  • Beverly Hospital (Beverly, MA)
  • Bridgeton Hospital (Bridgeton, ME)
  • Butler Hospital (Providence, RI)
  • Central Maine Medical Center (Lewiston, ME)
  • Eastern Maine Medical Center (Bangor, ME)
  • Husson College (Bangor, ME)
  • Kent Hospital (Warwick, RI)
  • Littleton Regional Hospital (Littleton, NH)
  • Mercy Hospital (Portland, ME)
  • New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (Concord, NH)
  • Parkland Medical Center (Derry, NH)
  • Penobscot Bay Medical Center (Rockport, ME)
  • Qualidigm Medical Library (Middletown, CT)
  • Roger Williams Medical Center (Providence, RI)
  • The Jackson Labs (Bar Harbor, ME)
  • Union Hospital/North Shore Medical Center (Lynn, MA)

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Internet Connectivity Awards

  • AIDS Outreach Library (Boston, MA)
  • Austen Riggs Center (Stockbridge, MA)
  • Brockton Hospital (Brockton, MA)
  • Cape Cod Hospital (Hyannis, MA)
  • Cambridge Hospital (Cambridge, MA)
  • Caritas Good Samaritan (Brockton, MA)
  • Caritas Norwood (Norwood, MA)
  • Catholic Medical Center (Manchester, NH)
  • Copley Health Systems (Morrisville, VT)
  • Emerson Hospital (Concord, MA)
  • Falmouth Hospital Library (Falmouth, MA)
  • Faulkner Hospital (Boston, MA)
  • Inland Hospital Library (Waterville, ME)
  • Lowell General Hospital (Lowell, MA)
  • Middlesex Hospital (Middletown, CT)
  • North Shore Medical Center (Salem, MA)
  • Penobscot Bay Hospital (Rockport, ME)
  • Somerville Hospital (Somerville, MA)
  • Southshore Hospital (South Weymouth, MA)
  • Whidden Memorial Hospital (Everett, MA)

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Technology Awareness Awards

  • Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston, MA) for the Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (MAHSLIN)
    MASHLIN Technology Day

  • Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston, MA) for the Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (MAHSLIN)
    New Models of Medicine in the Electronic Age: From Practice to Publishing

  • North Country Health Consortium and New Hampshire AHEC
    Telehealth New Hampshire (June 14-15, 2004)

  • University of Connecticut Health Sciences Library (Farmington, CT)
    Consumer Health Conference, Networking & Technology

  • University of Connecticut Health Sciences Library (Farmington, CT)
    Consumer Health Conference, Environmental Health Information

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Express Outreach Awards

  • Rhode Island Hospital (Providence, RI)
    Support for a speaker on consumer health information at the Rhode Island Futures Symposium on May 7, 2004.

  • World Education (Boston, MA)
    Express Outreach/Course Development Award to create a Health Literacy Tutorial

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Course Development Awards

  • Berkshire AHEC (Pittsfield, MA)
    Locating and Evaluating Health Resources on the Internet

  • Boston University Medical Center (Boston, MA)
    Finding HIV/AIDS Information on the Web

  • Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (Boston, MA)
    Finding Drug and Herbal Information—An Online Course and Web Resource for Librarians

  • University of Connecticut Health Sciences Library (Farmington, CT)
    Finding the Jewels of Public Health Data Sets

  • University of Massachusetts Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library (Worcester, MA)
    Evidence-Based Research for Public Health

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Exhibit Award

  • Lowell General Hospital (Lowell, MA) for the Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (MAHSLIN)
    Public Service Announcement to Promote Medical Libraries

  • World Education (Boston, MA)
    Exhibit at the National Conference on Family Literacy

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Kiosk Project

  • Forsyth Dental (Boston, MA)

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Sister Library Award

  • New England Baptist Hospital (Boston, MA)

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