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Publications - Studies and Reports

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. Studies and Reports

ORI conducts some studies in-house while others are done under contract. The studies are policy, applied or mission oriented. The results of the completed studies are presented; abstracts are presented for the studies in progress.

The reports were prepared by various groups that have reviewed the PHS effort to respond to allegations of research misconduct and promote the responsible conduct of research.

Studies - Completed

» Cultural Challenges and Their Effect on International Research Integrity (2009).
Xavier Bosch and Sandra L. Titus. The Lancet, 373(9664), 610-612.

» Mentoring and Research Misconduct: An Analysis of Research Mentoring in Closed ORI Cases (2008).
David Wright, Sandra Titus and Jered Cornelison. Science and Engineering Ethics, 14, 323–336.

» Reporting Suspected Research Misconduct in Biomedical and Behavioral Research (2006)

» New Institutional Research Misconduct Activity: 1992-2001  (2004)

» ORI Closed Investigations into Misconduct Allegations Involving Research Supported by the Public Health Service 1994-2003 (2004)

Survey of Research Integrity Measures Used in Biomedical Research Laboratories (2003)
» Review of Literature
» Final Report
» Instrument

» Integrity in Scientific Research: Creating an Environment that Promotes Responsible Conduct - IOM  (2002)

» Final Report - Organizing an Institutional Investigation Assistance Program: A Feasibility Study (2002)

» Final Appendix - Organizing an Institutional Investigation Assistance Program: A Feasibility Study (2002)

» Instruction to Authors: An Integrity Issue (2001)

» Analysis of Guidelines for the Conduct of Research Adopted by Medical Schools or their Components (2001)

» ORI Education Program: A Needs Assessment (2001)

» Analysis of Institutional Policies for Responding to Allegations of Scientific Misconduct (2000)

» Study of Affiliation Agreements Used by Institutions to Comply with the Requirements of their Misconduct Assurance (1999)

» Scientific Misconduct Investigations, 1993-1997 (1998)

» Study of Inquiry Reports Not Submitted to ORI (1998)

» Study of the Incidence of Misconduct Reported by Institution (1998)

» Anonymity and Pseudonymity in Whistleblowing to the U.S. Office of Research Integrity (1998)

» Survey of Accused but Exonerated Individuals in Research Misconduct Cases--Final Report (1996)

» Consequences of Whistleblowing for the Whistleblower in Misconduct in Science Cases--Final Report (1995)

Studies - In Progress

» Institutional Research Integrity Officer (RIO)

» Evaluating the Effectiveness of Institutional Efforts to Educate Their Staffs on Their Policies for Dealing with Research Misconduct

» Misconduct by Graduate Students and Postdocs:  Where Was the Mentor?

» Training and Mentoring Ph.Ds.:  Faculty Views on Their Role and Their Institution's Role to Promote the Development  of Responsible Researchers

» Evaluating the Impact on Whistleblowers Who Report Research Misconduct


» Report of the DHHS Review Group on Research Misconduct and Research Integrity (1999)

» Report of the Commission on Research Integrity (1995)

» The Whistleblower's Conditional Privilege to Report Allegations of Scientific Misconduct (1993)

This page last was updated on March 11, 2009
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