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Long-Pulse Instrumentation Workshop

Date : August 26-28, 2009
Location : Villa Mondragone, Italy
Information Contact : Kent Crawford
Lodging : Villa Tuscolana - Lodging Registration Form


Supporting Documents

Workshop Goal

The European community is currently working to develop plans for the ESS, a 5 MW long-pulse spallation neutron source, and the SNS in the US is currently developing plans for a second target station (STS) operating in the long-pulse mode at ~1 MW. Therefore it makes sense for the US and European communities to pool resources to develop a better understanding of what might be possible with neutron beam instrumentation optimized for operation at high-power long-pulse spallation neutron sources.

Advances beyond the capabilities of current sources and instrumentation generally require improvements in some combination of the following four areas:

  • Smaller samples (access to new materials existing only in small quantities)
  • Faster measurements (kinetic processes, non-equilibrium systems, parametric processes)
  • Larger length scales (biology, soft-matter chemistry, aggregation, self-assembly, vortex lattices)
  • Longer time scales (big floppy systems)

The goal of this workshop is to systematically look at how far each measurement technique can be pushed at the currently planned long-pulse sources, with emphasis on these four broad areas. This workshop will build on earlier work at the recent long-pulse instrumentation workshops in Europe (Rencurel, 2006 and Ven, 2008) and the STS instrumentation workshop in the US (Oak Ridge, 2007), as well as several much earlier long-pulse workshops.


  Information Contact : Al Ekkebus (ekkebusae@ornl.gov)  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science