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National Congress on Childhood Emergencies: Community Partnerships, Clinical Care, and Policy.
Washington, DC. For information, contact Ken Allen at (202) 884-4927 or e-mail
March 22-24, 1998.

"Health Promotion Across the Lifespan," 9th Annual Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference.
Sponsored by the American Journal of Health Promotion. Monterey, CA. For more information, call (248) 682-0707 or fax (248) 682-1212.
March 23-28, 1998.

"Prevention 98: Translating Science Into Action."
San Francisco, CA. For information, contact Prevention 98 at (202) 466-2569 or, or write 1660 L Street, NW., Suite 206, Washington, DC 20036.
April 2-5, 1998

"Change: The Only Constant." American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Meeting.
Reno, NV. For more information, call (703) 476-3400. April 5-9, 1998.American Society for Clinical Nutrition Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. For more information, call (301) 530-7110.
April 18-20, 1998.

American Society for Nutritional Sciences Annual Meeting.
San Francisco, CA. For more information, call (301) 530-7050.
April 19-22, 1998.

National Rural Health Association 21st Annual National Conference.
Orlando, FL. For information, call (816) 756-3140 or fax (816) 756-3144.
May 13-16, 1998.

American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting.
Orlando, FL. For more information, call (317) 637-9200. June 2-6, 1998.

American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. For more information, call (703) 299-2022.
June 11-16, 1998.

National Wellness Institute Annual Meeting.
Stevens Point, WI. For more information, call (715) 342-2969.
July 11-17, 1998.

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