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Department of Defense (DoD)
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Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB) - this organization recommends policy, provides guidance, and coordinates the exchange of information on all matters related to pest management throughout the DoD.

  • Technical Guides - technical guides published by the AFPMB on a variety of pest and disease vector topics.
  • Technical Information Bulletin - an on-line publication by the AFPMB that provides current information of interest to the DoD pest management community.
  • Literature Search - an on-line search engine of the AFPMB's unique collection of references on military pest management and medical entomology.
  • Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) - provides a list of MOUs with other governmental agencies related to pest management issues.

IPMIS (Integrated Pest Management Information System) - a personal computer program that can be used by installation pest managers and applicators to store and report information on pesticide applications and other pest management operations.

DoD Pesticide Hotline - provided by the Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (CHPPM), this service provides current pesticide label and safety information. You can also call them at (410) 436-3773, or DSN 584-3773.

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AMEDD Center and School Medical Zoology Branch - provide training on all aspects of arthropod, vertebrate, and plant pest management including prevention of vector-borne diseases that threaten U.S. military forces worldwide.

CHPPM Entomological Sciences Program - seeks to maximize the ability for Army units and installations to protect the soldier from the health threat posed by vector-borne disease and medically important pests and to minimize the adverse effects of pesticides.

Medical Entomologists - protect forces from the threat of arthropod-borne diseases, from the disruptions caused by pest insects, andfrom the results of property damage caused by structural pests.


Navy Entomology Center of Excellence (NECE) - ensures the readiness of our military forces by providing technical services and expert training in reducing the risk of diseases transmitted by insects and other arthropods.

Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center — provides leadership and expertise to ensure mission readiness through disease prevention and health promotion in support of the National Military Strategy.

Medical Entomologists - advise the Bureau of Medicine on matters pertaining to vector-borne diseases, pesticide usage, certification and training, and pest management programs.

Air Force

Civil Engineering Support Agency - develops guidance and criteria on pest management to Air Force organizations with emphasis on integrated pest management.

Medical Entomologists - manage environmental programs, provide broad biological consultant services to Air Force operations, and continue the traditional role defined by pioneering entomologists more than a century ago.

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Department of Agriculture

Invasive Species Information System - the gateway to Federal efforts concerning invasive species. On this site you can learn about the impacts of invasive species and the Federal government's response, as well as read select species profiles and find links to agencies and organizations dealing with invasive species issues.

US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Wildlife Service's State offices - provides links to services, programs, activities, and information provided by USDA APHIS Wildlife Services.

State Animal & Plant Health Directors - website provides links for each state. The Plant Health Director is the primary contact for quarantine issues for returning military materiel.

Department of Interior

Park Service Integrated Pest Management Manual - the second edition of this manual provides descriptions of the biology and management of 21 different species or categories of pests.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Integrated Pest Management for Schools: A How-To Manual - provides the rationale for establishing IPM programs in our schools systems and provides links to several resources where you can learn more about IPM or how to start an IPM program at your school.

EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Pesticide Safety Programs - mission is to protect public health and the environment from the risks posed by pesticides and to promote safer means of pest control.

Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program - a voluntary program that forms partnerships with pesticide users to reduce the potential health and environmental risks associated with pesticide use and implement pollution prevention strategies. DoD participates in this voluntary public/private partnership.

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County Extension Offices - provides links to offices by state that are staffed by experts who provide practical and research-based information to agriculture producers, small business owners, consumers, and others in rural areas and communities of all sizes.

Geographic Approaches to Invasive Species - National Agricultural Library comprehensive list of links to State and regional (multi-State) prevention and control programs.

Pesticide Regulatory Agencies - provides links to the phone numbers and addresses for the primary pesticide regulatory agency in each state and US territory.

Pesticide Safety Education Coordinators - provides links to the phone numbers and addresses for pesticide safety education coordinators in each state and US territory.

State Noxious Plant and Pesticide Laws Information System - provides summarized and detailed information on state laws associated with noxious plants and the certification of pesticide applicators.

University Extension Services - provides a map which links to the land-grant institutions and their key constituent units, most notably the state Cooperative Extension Services.

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American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators - provides science-based pesticide safety education programs through tribal and government agencies and the land-grant university cooperative extension services.

American Council on Science and Health - is a consumer education consortium concerned with issues related to food, nutrition, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle, the environment and health.

The IPM Institute of North America, Inc. - an independent non-profit organization formed in 1998 to foster and accelerate adoption of IPM in agriculture and communities.

IPM Practitioners Association - promotes and facilitates the use and understanding of integrated pest management in primarily non-agricultural resource settings, such as parks, ornamental landscapes, and roadsides.

National Pest Management Association - communicates the role of the pest control industry as protectors of food, health, property and the environment and affects the success of its members through education and advocacy.

National Pesticide Stewardship Alliance - promotes activities that have a positive impact on the safety and efficacy of pesticides from manufacture, marketing and commerce, through storage and use, and ultimately disposal of unwanted or unusable products and the management of emptied containers.

The Nature Conservancy's Wildland Invasive Species Program - provides land stewards with sound management advice on how to address their invasive weed problems. It contains over 500 files that emphasize control in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

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