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Home > Independent Environmental Assessment & Verification > Health Physics > Audit Services for Radiological Facilities

Independent Environmental Assesment and Verification

Audit Services for Radiological Facilities

Health Physics
Applied Health Physics Evaluations / Investigations
Audit Services for Radiological Facilities
Instrumentation Assessment
Standards Development
Health Physics Training

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) conducts radiological control and environmental compliance program audits at multiple sites across the country for the Department of Energy’s Consolidated Audit Program, (DOECAP) and Office of Environmental Management (DOE EM) programs.

ORISE uses DOE-approved auditors who conduct radiological control audits of treatment storage and disposal (TSDF) and other facilities for the DOE.

ORISE also takes the lead role in coordinating and conducting facility audits as requested.

These audits are designed to confirm the facility has an adequate radiological control program in place to receive radioactive materials in a safe manner and meet applicable state and/or federal regulatory limits. ORISE’s long-term involvement and experience working with federal and state agencies is readily utilized when conducting these audits.

For more information

Sarah Roberts, CHP
Assoc. Program Director