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National Energy Audit (NEAT)

A user-friendly, advanced computer audit, the National Energy Audit Tool (NEAT) has been developed by the Buildings Technology Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for the U.S. Department of Energy�s (DOE�s) Weatherization Assistance Program. The computer program is designed for use by State agencies and utilities to determine the most cost-effective retrofit measures for single-family and small multi-family site-built homes to increase the energy efficiency and comfort levels. Examines over 45 envelope, equipment, and baseload measures ranked by SIR after accounting for their interactions. Version 7.x, available in 2001, is fully Windows� compatible with data base format storage of all information and results.


retrofit, energy, audit, efficiency measures



Expertise Required

Basic familiarity with home energy auditing; minimal computer experience (keyboard).


Approximately 700 state and local Weatherization Assistance Program subgrantees in over 30 states.


State and local Weatherization Assistance Program subgrantees, utility companies, home energy auditors.


Microsoft� Access (not required for use) data input screens for basic housing components (walls, windows, attics, etc.) and equipment. Local fuel and retrofit costs for measures considered.


List of retrofit measures ranked by SIR with associated heating and cooling energy and cost savings, installed cost, and SIR. Cumulative savings and SIR are also included as well as a listing of major materials required to install the recommended measures. Pre- and post-retrofit heating and cooling energy consumption estimates and equipment loads are listed. Individual component contributions and total peak load estimates are available for equipment sizing. If requested a comparison of program predictions against actual billing data is available with the option to adjust measure predictions to reflect the billing data.

Computer Platform

Version 6.x - DOS/Win3.1/Win95/98/2000/NT with 9Mb RAM, 10Mb disk. Version 7.x - Win 95,98,NT,2000, 32 Mb RAM, min 800x600 Graphics, CD ROM drive.

Programming Language

C / MS Access


Specifically designed to be a home energy auditing tool for non-technical users, producing list of energy efficiency improvements specific to each home audited. Both input and output data stored in database format for retrieval and processing using other software if desired.


Not intended to be a building simulation tool. Though program (7.x) evaluates many baseload measures, energy consumption estimates reflect only HVAC equipment operation.



Oak Ridge National Laboratory


P.O. Box 2008
MS 6070
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
United States


(865) 574-4506


(865) 574-9338




Available from the Energy Science and Technology Software Center, (865) 576- 2606.

Printable Version

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