Argonne National Laboratory Intense Pulsed Neutron Source
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What's New

The Integrated Spectral Analysis Workbench software project (ISAW) was started to create a "Network-Based, Browser-Oriented, and Platform-Independent system for Instrumentation Control and Data Reduction/Visualization". ISAW can be used to read, manipulate, view, and save neutron scattering data. It reads data from IPNS run files or NeXus files and can merge and sort data from separate measurements. What's New describes the current activities and status of the project.

ISAW is distributed as a single Java archive file. After installation of Java 6, ISAW can be installed with a single command or double-click (Windows). The Java language allows platform independence and the ability to make the software network-based.

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Download ISAW
ISAW Tutorial

April 28, 2009

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