Women Leaders from Ukraine Visit Washington, DC
August 4, 2008

Twelve Ukrainian women leaders visited Washington, DC, July 26–Aug. 3, 2008, on an Open World exchange that introduced them to American-style issue advocacy and government relations, and to American women in leadership roles, among them Rep. Marcy Kaptur (OH) and D.C. Councilmember Carol Schwartz. The Ukrainian delegation included NGO leaders working on human trafficking and domestic violence prevention, government officials responsible for economic development and public information campaigns, and activists dedicated to increasing political participation among their fellow countrywomen. During their program, hosted by Vital Voices Global Partnership, the delegates also had seminars and roundtables on economic development and NGO management, and participated in several leadership training sessions. The program provided numerous opportunities for the Ukrainian visitors to share their own experience and expertise with their American counterparts. (A video clip [in Ukrainian] featuring highlights from the meeting with Rep. Kaptur and commentary by delegates and Open World Executive Director John O'Keefe is provided courtesy of the Voice of America.)

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