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Congressman Doug Lamborn Responds to Obama's ‘Secret' Letter to Russia



Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today issued a statement responding to President Barack Obama’s reported offer to back off deployment of a new missile defense system in Eastern Europe.


“I welcome President Obama’s efforts to halt Iran’s nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles programs. All peace-loving people around the world seek to prevent rogue nations from acquiring nuclear weapons.


“However, I am troubled by reports of the President’s ‘secret’ letter to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev offering to back off plans to help Eastern Europe with a much-needed missile defense system.  Our European allies are counting on the United States to stand firm and protect them from the very real threat posed by radical aggressors.


“Rather than conducting diplomacy through secret channels, we should be sending a clear, public message to our allies that we will honor the commitments to them and protect the world from nuclear threats. I urge the President to move forward with plans to build a high-tech radar facility in the Czech Republic and deploy 10 interceptor missiles in Poland. The security of our allies and ourselves against the very real threat of Iranian long-range missiles should be non-negotiable.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)