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Colorado Priorities in Congress



Dear Friends,

At the start of the new session in Congress, I look forward to hearing from you on the issues you care most about and your thoughts on how to move our economy forward. The best solutions tend to come from those closest to the problems. As an example of this, last session I heard from auto dealers in the Fifth District who thought offering tax incentives would help sell more vehicles. I agreed and introduced legislation in Congress to do just that.

To build on that success, I am increasing my outreach to constituents. You can look forward to receiving periodic e-newsletters to inform you on the major issues being debated in Congress and the actions I am taking on your behalf to advance the interests of the Fifth District of Colorado.

Here are a few of the issues I will consistently fight for in Congress: low taxes, minimum government regulations, fiscal responsibility, a strong national defense, and the protection of human life at all stages.

To better serve you, I would appreciate your time in taking this short survey below. It is an honor to represent you in Congress.


Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

To take the survey: Click here.