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Lamborn Reintroduces Schoolchildren's Health Protection Act

Washington, May 19 -

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) is again taking action to protect school children from easy access to drugs that can induce chemical abortions.  Congressman Lamborn has reintroduced H.R. 2458, the Schoolchildren’s Protection Act. The bill has 40 original co-sponsors.


“The so-called morning after pill can induce abortion, if conception has taken place, and has no place in our public school health clinics. This bill would prohibit federal funds from going to any school that distributes or provides emergency contraception or a prescription for such contraception.


“It is morally unacceptable for taxpayers to fund abortions for school-age children. Additionally, these drugs can lead to serious health consequences for the child, such as heart attacks and strokes.  It is in everyone’s interest to protect our children.”  -- Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)


Currently any school-based health clinic receiving federal funds under Medicaid, SCHIP, or Title X is authorized to distribute any contraception, including the morning-after pill. 


The bill would prohibit federal funds to any school that distributes or provides emergency contraception (such as the ‘morning-after pill’) or a prescription for such contraception on the premises or in the facilities of an elementary or secondary school.

The morning-after pill (called “emergency contraception” by the abortion industry) is a high dosage of progesterone, estrogen, or both of these artificial steroids together, recommended to be used after sexual intercourse, over a period of 72 hours, to achieve the goal of preventing or ending pregnancy.


Rep. Lamborn’s bill will ban public schools from distributing the morning after pill.  If schools fail to comply and continue distributing the morning after pill they will lose federal funding.
