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Lamborn Comments on Governor Sebelius Pro-Abortion Veto

Calls yesterday’s action preview of extreme agenda


Washington, Apr 24 -

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today released the following statement regarding President Obama’s nomination for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, in response to her latest pro-abortion action. Yesterday, she vetoed a common sense bill that would have required doctors performing late-term abortions to report additional information on those procedures to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.  The bill would have also given women the right to sue the doctors, should they later believe their abortions were illegal.


“Yet again we see the extremist views of Governor Kathleen Sebelius illustrated in her veto, just yesterday, of a bill that would have modified state law to restrict late-term abortions.


“This action serves as a preview of the extreme pro-abortion agenda she will bring to the Department of Health and Human Services, which would force taxpayers to foot the bill for objectionable practices.


“This veto proves that Governor Sebelius’ position on abortion is extreme and goes against what a majority of Americans know is right. I urge the Senate to reject this nominee and request that President Obama withdraw Governor Sebelius’ name from consideration to this influential Cabinet-level position.”—Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
