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Congressman Lamborn Leads Effort to Protect Life

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Retain Mexico City Policy Letter


Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) is the lead author of a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to keep in place a long-standing policy that prevents taxpayer dollars from funding abortions in overseas clinics.

The letter, signed by 78 Members of Congress, asks Obama to continue the Mexico City Policy, which separates abortion and family planning in America’s foreign aid programs.

From the letter:

“First developed in the Reagan Administration, this policy is important because it establishes a bright line between family planning activities and abortion, therefore ensuring that United States family planning funds are not co-opted by groups who promote abortion as a method of family planning. Such activities would send a wrong message overseas that the United States promotes abortion.

“Under Mexico City policy, funding for family planning is not reduced by one penny. A policy against promoting abortion is only ‘anti-family planning’ if one assumes that abortion itself is a method of ‘family planning.’ This policy simply ensures that taxpayer money is not used overseas to fund highly controversial abortion providers.”

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To see a copy of this letter, click here.