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Resources for Members of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM)
Middle Atlantic Region

Middle Atlantic Region (MAR)

The Regional Medical Library supports collaboration among libraries and information centers that serve health information needs in Delaware, New Jersey , New York and Pennsylvania.

The NN/LM’s goal is to enhance access
to health information for health professionals and the public.
If your institution is not a member find out more information
You can also apply online to become a member of the network!
Learn about Member Services, including free Promotional Materials

Where's MAR?


Arpita Bose, MAR Outreach and Communications Coordinator, participated in the American Library Association’s Spectrum Leadership Institute Professional Options Fair on July 9 in Chicago, IL. At the Fair, Spectrum Scholars had the opportunity to speak with practitioners about careers in the library profession. Miguel Figueroa, Director of the ALA Office for Diversity (and past MAR Network Services Coordinator), helped organize the Fair and other events in the Spectrum Leadership Institute.

The Spectrum Scholarship Program is ALA's national diversity and recruitment effort, designed to address the specific issue of under-representation of critically needed ethnic librarians within the profession while serving as a model for ways to bring attention to larger diversity issues in the future. Learn more about the ALA Spectrum Scholarship




Contact Us / Give Feedback / Get Help
If you need immediate assistance, or would like to send us your comments and suggestions about our website and programs, contact us at the Regional Medical Library via email at, or by phone at 800-338-7657 if you are calling from one of the states in the region.