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Member Services

The Greater Midwest Region is one of the largest Network regions - both in terms of population and the geographical area served. To reach out effectively to all ten states of our region collaboration with network members and other organizations is essential.

Service is defined as an act of helpful activity. We constantly provide assistance to our membership. The National Network of Libraries of Medicine maintains an online directory to assist with library referrals. Our staff regularly consults in our various areas of expertise. We answer questions regarding funding from the GMR and assist investigators with proposal writing. Evaluation is a new area for our office. Consultations in this area are forthcoming. The staff provides basic information in the areas of Consumer Health, Resource Sharing and Technology as it relates to the products and services available from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). We regularly host classes on the databases supported by NLM. More information on Staff Directory and Contact Information.

Benefits are thought of as a gifts made to help someone or given by a society. As part of our constituency, you are eligible to receive benefits from the GMR. The list below outlines the benefits that we provide you.

Any library, health-related information center, health department, or any other organization whose mission is to provide access to health information may join the Network. Take a look at the Top Ten Benefits of Being a GMR Network Member PDF file a poster presented at the 2006 Annual Conference of the Midwest Chapter, Medical Library Association in Louisville, Kentucky.

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