Rory Peck

Master's Candidate
Montana State University


Department of Mathematical Sciences
P.O. Box 172400
Bozeman, MT 59717-2400

Phone 406-994-7220

B.S. 2008. Mathematics, Montana State University

M.S Statistics, Montana State University, In progress

Research Focus:
My research is under the guidance of Dr. Mark Greenwood on a project entitled, “Investigating Patterns In Wetland Hydrology And Vegetation Data”. It involves understanding statistical relationships in ecological data from wetlands, especially hydrologic data at multiple time scales. We develop and apply time series analysis techniques:

  • for data exploration and visualization, especially outlier detection.
  • as frequency domain statistical techniques to assess diurnal and longer term trends and patterns.
  • for exploratory analysis to guide statistical model building for relationships over time and between locations.
  • We are also comparing statistical methods for analyzing large and small plot sampling techniques for submergent vegetation.