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Community Day Pilot Project

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Community Day is a pilot project sponsored by NLM and the NN/LM. The goal of Community Day is to assist libraries in becoming active partners in their community's emergency preparedness, response and recovery planning. Community Day is also to make libraries part of the nationwide effort encouraging all Americans to take simple steps in preparing for possible emergencies in their homes, businesses, schools and communities. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security through its "Ready America" campaign highlights the importance of emergency preparedness and promotes individual involvement through events and activities across the country.

Objectives of Community Day

  1. Strengthen and expand health sciences and public library partnerships.
  2. Encourage, strengthen and/or expand library partnerships with first responders.
  3. Provide access to emergency management information tools and resources.
  4. Integrate and involve libraries in their community's emergency preparedness, response and recovery planning.
  5. Promote and publicize the role libraries can play in emergency preparedness.

A $5,000 stipend will be given to three library partnerships to hold an emergency preparedness event or series of related activities that accomplish the stated goal and objectives.

Examples of Emergency Preparedness Activities

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Eligibility Requirements

Must be a full or affiliate NN/LM Network Member or partner with a full or affiliate member. Organizations interested in participating in Community Day may also join the NN/LM Network prior to the beginning of the project activities. Must partner with other library/libraries, community-based or faith-based organizations, public health organizations, or other community agencies.

Application Process

Eligible applicants can apply for up to $5,000. Submit a proposal to the RML, form (electronic or hard copy) and number of copies may vary depending on RML requirements..

Project Proposal Guidelines

  1. Name of Network Member Institution:
  2. Network Member LIBID:
  3. Project Manager:
  4. Position/Title of Project Manager:
  5. Mailing Address:
  6. E-mail Address:
  7. Telephone number:
  8. Fax number:
  9. Amount Requested (Maximum of $5,000):
  10. Budget Justification (Cost breakdown of how money will be spent.):
  11. Federal Tax ID Number (FEIN):
  12. Project Title:
  13. Project Summary (250 words or less, include objectives and how they will be accomplished, target audience, marketing and publicity plans, etc.):
  14. Proposed Event Dates:
  15. Evaluation (see Evaluation Plan, including suggested MOU wording ):
  16. List project personnel and their qualifications or experience as it relates to the project:
  17. Name, address, and description of partner organizations. Network members may partner with the following organizations (examples):
    • Public Library
    • Medical Library
    • Community-Based or Faith-Based Organization
    • Health Department
    • Police and/or Police Departments
    • Other Local Organizations
  18. Provide any additional supporting information about proposed project.


Evaluation Plan, including suggested MOU wording

Cost Instructions

Funds may be requested for the following (these are examples only and not meant to be all inclusive.):

  • Salaries
  • Rental or purchase of equipment and software
  • Travel necessary to support the project, including per diem
  • Developing, producing, and distributing promotional materials
  • Exhibit costs

If mobile technology or computer hardware is proposed, please be prepared to submit catalog pricing upon approval of the award.

Funds may not be used for furniture or food. A maximum of 5% of the award may be used for library materials such as books and databases. Indirect costs (IDC) is not allowed for this award.


Dates for proposal submission and funding awards may vary depending on the schedule set by the RML.

Period of Performance

Community Day event/s must be held before or during September through December 2009.

Website Compliance

If a website is developed under this award, the website must adhere to Section 508 compliance. Resources for this compliance include the National Library of Medicine Web Applications/Site Development Guidelines and Summary of Section 508 Standards

Publication and Publicity

The awardee shall acknowledge the support of the National Library of Medicine whenever publicizing the work under this subcontract in any media by including an acknowledgment substantially as follows:

This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine. National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. NO1-LM-6-350# under the [RML].

Reporting Requirements

Final report on Community Day must be submitted within 30 days of the events. Awardee shall provide copies of all promotional and publicity materials produced, press releases, advertisements, articles for newsletter related to project. Instructions for reporting will be provided to the principal investigators of project upon funding.

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