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Step 1: Promotion

Physicians | Patients and their Families | Community Groups

To Physicians

The main objective of the program is for physicians to use the Information Rx prescription pad to refer their patients to MedlinePlus. Direct outreach to physicians ensures a successful program.

For ideas and suggestions on promotion to physicians, refer to:

Information Rx Product Use and Placement

Promotion via Email Announcements, Newsletter Articles and/or Ads

To Patients and their Families at the Hospital

Once you have the support of physicians and/or the hospital administration, the next step is to target patients and their families at the hospital.

Important Note about Public Libraries: It is a good idea to inform the public libraries' staff in your region about your organization's Information Rx initiative since patients may come to the public library with their "information prescription" seeking assistance. Let the public library staff know that you can offer a training session and an overview of your library's services and resources available to them and the public.

For ideas and suggestions on promotion, refer to:

Information Rx Product Use and Placement

To Community Groups

To reach consumers in your geographic region, promote Information Rx to community organizations, such as senior centers, clinics or community health centers affiliated with the hospital. Expansion of Information Rx into your community can have a positive impact on your organization's public image.

For ideas and suggestions on promotion and outreach, refer to:

Information Rx Product Use and Placement

Now you are ready to move on to Step #2: Outreach at Meetings and Events