
A National Resource for Collaborative Materials Research

The High Temperature Materials Laboratory (HTML) is a DOE User Facility dedicated to solving materials problems that limit the efficiency and reliability of systems for power generation and energy conversion, distribution and use. The HTML includes six user centers available to researchers in industry, universities, and federal laboratories.

The program has two major objectives:

1. Provide researchers from U.S. industries universities, and federal laboratories with access to a skilled staff and to sophisticated, often one-of-a-kind instruments for materials characterization; and

2. Assist in educating and training materials researchers.

User Support
Instruments available at the six user centers have extensive capabilities for characterizing the microstructure, microchemistry, and physical and mechanical properties of materials over a wide range of temperatures.



Materials Research Emphases

  • Catalysis
  • Energy Storage
  • Lightweighting, high-strength weight reduction, and
    vehicle propulsion materials
  • Thermoelectrics

Professional Staff
HTML staff provide assistance to users and have the following responsibilities:

• Participate in the planning, performance, and interpretation of research, including co-preparation of technical papers and presentations from nonproprietary research.
• Assist users in the safe and efficient operation of user center research equipment.
• Maintain instruments to maximize their availability for research.

Facility Access
Before research begins, two documents must be in place:

• Standard user agreement between the user organization and UT-Battelle, LLC.
• Approved research proposal.

Both nonproprietary and proprietary research is conducted within the user program. Prospective users must submit a research proposal for review and should consult with the appropriate center's staff concerning specific plans and time schedules for inclusion in proposals. Selection of proposals is based on the compatibility of the proposed research with the missions of both the HTML and DOE.

The proposal form is available for download here.


 Oak Ridge National Laboratory