Office of Basic Energy Sciences
Office of Science

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Call for Proposals ** OPEN **
Submission deadline
October 2, 2009

About the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences

The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a collaborative nanoscience user research facility for the synthesis, characterization, theory/ modeling/ simulation, and design of nanoscale materials. It is one of five Nanoscale Science Research Centers currently being established by the Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy.



  Paul Weiss, August 14, 2009
Zhenan Bao, September 4, 2009

Recent News

“ORNL finding could help electronics industry enter new phase,” Nanotechnology Now (June 25, 2009)

Recent Highlights

Gordon Bell Prize Emerges From Ongoing Computational Nanoscience Endstation Effort
A New Class of Supramolecular Wires
Directed Assembly of Patterned Thin Films into Nanoparticle Ensembles
Intrinsic Nucleation Mechanism of Polarization Switching on Ferroelectric Surfaces

Postdoctoral Opportunities

There are currently 5 open positions.

Flagships of Nanoscience


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Updated Monday, 24-Aug-2009 17:17:06 EDT - 234,460